Three civilians shot dead by junta soldiers in Tanintharyi


Military council troops shot dead three civilians as they advanced into Yanhpo and Panatnge villages in Tannintharyi Township, Tanintharyi Region, officials from the People’s Defense Forces-Tanintharyi Township told Than Lwin Times.

A column of more than 50 junta soldiers entered Yanhpo village at around 7 pm on 6 April, arrested Ko Pae Lan, a man in his 30s, and shot him dead.

Afterwards, the regime troops randomly shot two men on motorcycles as they advanced into Panatnge village.

Panatnge residents were unable to collect the two bodies as the junta column continued to maintain a presence in the village, locals said.

Fighting between military council troops and local PDF has intensified after the imposition of martial law in Tanintharyi Township, resulting in casualties on both sides.

According to Southern Monitor, more than 400 civilians have been killed since the military coup two years ago.

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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