Karenni defense forces in need of ammunition


Karenni defense forces which are facing the military council’s offensive are in need of ammunition, Khun Bee Htoo, chair of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) told the Kantarawaddy Times.

“Everybody knows the revolutionary news about our Karenni State. We are in urgent need of ammunition. We seized some bodies of enemies and weapons. However, heavy shells hit and destroyed our weapons. We face a shortage of some important weapons, especially bullets. We need to resupply bullets,” Khun Bee Htoo said.

Fighting has intensified between a combined force of the Karenni Army (KA), the KNDF and the military council which entered the eastern part of Demoso Township in Karenni State by three military columns since 9 March. More than 20 rounds of airstrikes destroyed civilian houses in March.

Twenty to 30 junta soldiers are likely to die in the battles in the eastern part of Demoso Township.

The PDFs may suffer casualties. More than 100 junta soldiers were killed in the clashes in Moebye, Pekon and Pinlaung Townships in southern Shan State.

As long as the offensive operation is long, the availability of ammunition is difficult, Khun Bee Htoo continues. Fundraisers from respective battalions of the revolutionary forces have to rely on local and foreign donors.

All local forces are in need of unity and encouragement. The people feel depressed when our comrades and the public face difficult situations. To avoid these situations, encouragement is required among us. The people can make donations through their facebook pages,” Khun Bee Htoo added.

The military council wants to control Loikaw-Demoso-Dawtamagyi-Bawlakhae road. Due to the consistent artillery shelling into the village and airstrikes, over 20,000 people including locals from the eastern part of Demoso have fled to safer places.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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