“We don’t have to be afraid more just because it’s a bomber. As far as military matters are concerned, there are many other ways to respond.” – Salai Htet Ni (Spokesman, CNF/CNA)


An interview with CNF spokesman Salai Htet Ni

On January 10 and 11, junta fighter jets attacked Camp Victoria, the headquarters of the Chin National Front (CNF), near the India-Myanmar border, killing five CNF members, including two female police officers. CNF spokesman Salai Htet Ni was interviewed to learn more about the junta aerial bombardments.

Q: Can you give me the detailed account of the military council bombing of Camp Victoria?

A: The military council bombed our headquarters twice. The first time was at 4 pm and the second time was around 5 pm. The first day they came with five planes and dropped five bombs. One of them landed on the Indian side. We lost five members in the bombing that day, including policewomen. Some buildings were also damaged. On the second day, health clinics and civilian houses were damaged. There were no casualties. As far as we know, eight planes came and bombed nine places.

Q: Why do you think the military council attacked the CNF headquarters?

A: It’s clear why they bombed our CNF headquarters. They must have a plan. The plan is to hold an election this year. They want stability in the region before the election is held. In the meantime, they’re trying to suppress the local resistance groups that can probably thwart their plans. That is why they have come as far as our headquarters, which supports the other local resistance groups in the area, and bombed it. There may be other reasons, but that is the main reason.

Q: How does the CNF plan to respond to the bombing of the CNF headquarters by the military council?

A: We have always responded with the best weapons we have. Whether they wanted to attack us with bombers or other weapons, we responded as best we could with the weapons we have. We don’t have to be afraid more just because it’s a bomber. As far as military matters are concerned, there are many other ways to respond. We’re determined to fight to the end to overthrow the military dictatorship and create a federal democratic union. All we have to do is to fight to the end in cooperation with our ethnic brotherhood forces, local defense forces, the National Unity Government (NUG) and other groups.

Q: We have learned that one of the bombs dropped by the junta fighter jets landed on the Indian side and exploded. India hasn’t yet commented on this. How might the relationship between the military council and the Indian government develop as a result of this incident?

A: It’s true that one of the bombs landed on the Indian side. The day after the bomb was dropped, seven or eight Indian soldiers came and confirmed the incident. We don’t yet know how the Indian central government will deal with this. However, it should be noted that India has maintained its relations with all forms of government in Myanmar, whether democracy or dictatorship. They have always maintained their policy of crushing what they’ve called “armed ethnic rebels” on the shared border, which involves cooperation and extradition between the two countries. Another sad fact is that India has even supplied the military regime with weapons. So India doesn’t have a clear policy. It understands very well the current situation of the ethnic armed organizations and the Spring Revolution. But it saddens us that the Indian government continues to cooperate with the military council.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: The violence that the military council is perpetrating with the use of bombers on civilian targets is tantamount to a war crime. Public anger and hatred against them will only grow if they continue to attack people. They’ll never be able to control the people because the will of the people is to eliminate the military dictatorship. The people won’t be silent to the actions of the regime. We can only fight together with the people.

Sent by KMG.


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