3 July 2024 /

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“Such an informal talk will not bring about any result which can solve the Myanmar crisis. According to the photo which goes viral on the internet, it is just a meeting at a restaurant.” U Nay Phone Latt, Spokesperson of the NUG

An interview with Nay Phone Latt, Spokesperson of Prime Minister Office of the National Unity Government (NUG)

On December 22, the Thai government organized an informal meeting on Myanmar affairs in Thailand by inviting the Myanmar military council. That informal talk was attended by the delegates from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and the military council’s delegation led by Foreign Affairs Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin.

However, the delegates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, which are the key members of ASEAN, did not attend the meeting.

The Than Lwin Times interviews the NUG’s Prime Minister Office Spokesperson U Nay Phone Latt about the NUG’s response to the Thai government’s invitation to the military council, whether the informal talk is a beginning to solve the Myanmar crisis and its prospects.

Q: First of all, May I know your view on the informal talks about Myanmar organized by the Thai government?

A: The first thing I want to say is this informal talk does not represent ASEAN. It is not legitimate. According to the photo which goes viral on the internet, it is just a meeting at a restaurant.

Q: Can this informal talk be a beginning to solve the Myanmar crisis? What is the prospect of this meeting?

A: The ASEAN’s five-point consensus covers the fact calling on the junta to carry out an immediate end to violence. We cannot decide by looking at the talks between two or three people, whether the military council will follow it. In fact, the terrorist military council is killing the civilians and burning the houses every day. The military council doesn’t follow it. The military council has not yet released the political prisoners including detained leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint who cannot be excluded from Myanmar politics. Although the military council allows the ASEAN Envoy to visit Myanmar, no effective changes have been made. I just want to say that the fact that the military council is implementing the ASEAN’s five-point consensus is totally wrong.

Q: As a last question, which comment do you want to give about such an informal talk at a time when the ASEAN’s five-point consensus cannot be implemented?

A: The ASEAN is working to implement the action plan about the five-point consensus which was adopted at the Summit. The UN and its partners promised to help in the implementation of the five-point consensus. As a result, the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) has adopted a resolution on Myanmar affairs. We will continue to walk on this path. I want to say that such an informal talk will not bring about any result which can solve the Myanmar crisis.

Sent by Than Lwin Times

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