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Number of IDPs increases by around 2,000 after military tension in Arakan State

July 22th, 2022

The number of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) has increased by around 2,000 due to the continued military tension and confrontation between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Myanmar Army in Yathaedaung Township in Arakan State.

“Around 2,000 people from Pyarchaunggyi, Aleywah, Kyeinthar and Tunrawai villages which are located about three miles of Yathaedaung, are taking shelter in safer places. Both sides face off against each other in a nearby area,” the local said.

A local said: “They are taking shelter in Laykan, Awatar and Kyauksone villages located near their village.”

A person who is helping the IDPs said: “Most of locals fled to nearby villages as the junta troops have taken position in downtown Yathaedaung. Only a few IDPs fled to the IDP camps in downtown. Those who fled to the downtown are taking shelter at the houses of their relatives and friends, rather than the IDP camps.

Currently, the IDPs are facing accommodation difficulties.

Many locals fled to nearby villages as a military column entered Pyarchaunggyi village outside Yathaedaung on July 18th.

“The military column advanced to Pyarchaunggyi village and carried out inspections there. The people fear about the fighting as the military has blocked the entrance. Due to it, the locals have fled to safer places in advance,” a local said.

More than 2,000 IDPs are added to the list as more than 60,000 IDPs in Arakan State are unable to return to their homes till early July.

Many IDPs have fled to safer places as the junta troops are stationed at the monasteries where the IDPs are taking shelter near Pyarchaunggyi Bridge outside Yathaedaung Township.

Currently, the military is carrying out inspections of vessels by mooring two ships on May Yu River near the mouth of Chaungwa at the entrance of Yathaedaung. The military is also carrying out the inspections everywhere in downtown, a local from Yathaedaung says.

The military tension between the AA and the Myanmar army mounts after the clash on July 18th. The military council arrested some locals near the conflict-affected villages.

Due to the fighting, the people from Myawaddy village in Maungdaw Township fled to nearby villages, monasteries and schools. Currently, some people have returned to the village.

Sent by Khaing Lu Hla (Yomamyay)

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