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Military arrests CDM teacher in Myeik

July 7th, 2022

The military council arrested a female teacher from No.2 Basic Education High School (BEHS) in Myeik, who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and went into hiding, according to locals.

She was arrested at night on July 2nd when she returned to her home on Shwelakepyar Street at No.3 Zeyarthiri ward in Myeiktaung area.

“Since the coup, she has joined the CDM and gone into hiding. She returned to her home three days ago. It is sure that there must be a person who sent the information about her,” a 35-year-old woman from Shwelakepyar Street says.

Daw Yu Yu Lwin served as a primary teacher at No.2 BEHS. Acting on the tip-off from some informants, the military council arrested her when she returned to her home.

Some CDM teachers and civil servants in other wards in downtown Myeik got arrested when they returned to their homes after hiding, according to locals.

It is still unknown where the military detains and interrogates her. Her family members are worried as they don’t get any information about her.

Sent by the NMG.

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