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“No international community will accept the acts which worsen the conditions of the IDPs. The relevant organizations need to take responsibility for such cases.” Moon Nay Li, Spokesperson of KWAT.

An interview with Moon Nay Li, Spokesperson of the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT).

May 12, 2022

The Kachin News Group (KNG) interviewed Moon Nay Li, Spokesperson of the KWAT about the deployment of troops by the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army-Kokang at the Zup Awng IDP camp outside Kutkai.

Q: Currently, the MNDAA-Kokang troops and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) troops are stationed at the Zup Awng IDP camp and nearby area outside Kutkai Township in northern Shan State. May I know your view on the deployment of troops?

A: All the people know that it is not suitable. Because there may be fighting. Only the unarmed people have to suffer the consequences when there is fighting. The deployment of troops even at the IDP camp has worsened the public’s security. For instance, they can stay there as a government to defend the IDPs. The military may attack them at any time. It gives a chance to the military to put blame on the armed groups even if the artillery shelling destroys the IDP camp and hits the IDPs. So, it is not suitable. This is an act which may lead to the insecurity of the public.

Q: Let me know the codes of conduct to be followed by all armed organizations?

A: There are codes of conducts to be followed by armed groups in the revolutions or in the fighting. There are a lot of codes of conduct for the armed groups to defend the public. The international rules and regulations assuredly stipulate the rules to be followed by the armed groups about the deployment of troops and to avoid using civilians as human shields. There are many other codes of conduct.

Q: May I know the codes of conduct to be followed by the armed groups about the IDPs?

A: There are a lot of codes of conducts to be followed by the armed groups about the IDPs. We need to protect the security of any IDP or refugees. We must provide them with food rations and medicine. Asking for rations from the IDPs and making threats to them by the armed groups is the violation of human rights. This is a grave violation of human rights. The international community will not accept the acts that may disrupt the IDPs. Relevant organizations need to take responsibility for such cases. It is important for the armed groups to take responsibility and seek justice when peace is restored in the country. All armed groups involved in the fighting are required to defend the IDPs and protect the security of female IDPs. The safety of women covers rape cases. The EROs must protect them under various circumstances. On the international stage, the UN Security Council’s Resolution No.1325 says how to protect and help the women who suffer the impacts of war. Giving the protection to the war victims by both armed groups is the most important thing.

Q: May I know your comment on such violations when the public and all EROs are fighting against the military dictatorship according to the current political situation?

A: When all the people are fighting against the military dictatorship by taking up arms, the EROs for instance, Kayin, Shan and Kachin should not bully other races. We must avoid such human rights violations. Our EROs will get a good name in the international arena if they abide by international laws. Our revolution will achieve more successes if we get huge support. When there are human rights violations, the international community will equate them. We must avoid human rights violations during the revolution period. The second point is we must try to become the international-standard armed revolutionary forces which will be totally different from the acts and behaviors of our enemies. It is of great importance. In doing so, the persons who have arms want to show their power. They want to bully the public. There may be such cases. However, the armed organizations must lay down good laws and policies.

They oppress and bully the public. How will we take action against the persons who violate human rights? They will not dare to commit such cases if the organizations have enacted the laws which bar the violation of rights. The number of human rights violation cases among the armed organizations will gradually decline. There will be no such cases later. The EROs should try to become the ones which respect human rights.

If our undertakings are in conformity with international law, our revolution will achieve success as soon as possible. We will receive support from all groups when we reconstruct our country. Some groups neglect human rights and show disrespects as they have arms, money, authority and capacity. It is very important for the groups to promote human rights. We will achieve success as soon as possible if all EROs lay down policies and enact the laws.

Q: May I know your view on how important the public’s support for every armed organization is?

A: The armed organizations which have not got the public’s support will become the terrorist organizations. An organization seeks its interest by taking up arms. Because it doesn’t center the public. It is very crucial for every revolutionary organization to listen to the voices of the public and win the public’s support.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: Myanmar’s civil war has continued unabated for many years. The people have to bear the brunt of it. We need to protect the security of the IDPs and extend a helping hand to them. The organizations should not disrupt and threaten them. The public totally opposes such acts. It is very difficult for the public to support the leadership of armed groups when we are involved in the reconstruction of our country. We must defend each other in order to provide aid to each other. We need to help each other openly and clearly, if necessary.

Sent by the KNG.

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