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“To win a battle, we should not fight the enemy impulsively. We should not fight the enemy in anger and with the feeling of revenge. We need to fight the enemy in a strategic and systematic manner.” Deputy Minister Khu Hte Bu – National Unity Government

An interview with Khu Htae Bu, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government (NUG)

January 27th, 2022

The Kantarawaddy Times (KT) interviewed Khu Hte Bu, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government (NUG) about the assistance to the refugees in the conflict-hit regions during the revolution period.

Q: Can the NUG effectively support the armed organizations and the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) in the regions and states? May I know the current situation?

A: To be frank, the NUG cannot support the PDFs effectively. The NUG will support them as much as it can as the people of all ages are joining the revolution. The military did not govern the country in a transparent manner for many years. The public did not get such a chance as they had to live under the unjust system. The majority of the people have understood that situation. The people thought that only those in ethnic areas may suffer it. The people in the whole country have come to know it. The collective revolution can bring about unity whatever the situation is. We have never seen such a big revolution before. Everyone should understand that point. It is not easy for us to get such a chance if we cannot defeat the junta at this time. It is assumed that the military council will not surrender. Because the military rulers are egoists. They will not give the public a chance due to their ego. So we have many chances. We must fight till the victory.

Q: Some areas see fighting while other areas have no fighting. Pls tell me about the NUG’s efforts to make a merger of these groups.

A: We are trying to ensure the inclusion of all ethnics in terms of races and areas. But there are only a few groups which are not included in the revolution due to their circumstances in terms of organizations and areas. We all have understood that the collection of groups is a must. They cannot join us as they have some requirements. I think they may not be ready. Or else, they have not made any decision. All the people will understand the fact that they must collect and would require unity. I believe that point.

Q: We have heard the news that the NUG offered the Arakan Army (AA) to hold a discussion on politics. May I know the latest development?

A: Yes. We hold talks not only with the AA but also other groups and organizations about the situations and views. They said all groups should join hands.

Q: Fighting continues in Karenni State, even in downtown wards. At present, the total number of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) has reached 170,000. What does the NUG provide aid there?

A: We are providing assistance to the IDPs as much as we can. We provide them with humanitarian assistance, food and medicine. We cannot provide aid to them effectively. The public also extends a helping hand. We are using techniques. Here technique means with whom we will cooperate on security and which area we will choose. We provide assistance by affiliating with local volunteers from the respective regions.

Q: The junta troops are carrying out offensives using helicopters and fighter aircrafts in the battles. International community is urged to designate a war-free zone. What is the NUG doing?

A: The NUG is making cooperation with the international community on all fronts by means of discussions, increased pressure and advice-seeking. The main point is that the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, the Ministry of Human Rights, the Ministry of International Cooperation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the NUG are always working on it. Since the formation, we have been trying to lead it and get recognition on behalf of the public.

Q: May I know your views on the Karenni Army (KA), the Karenni Nationalities Defense Forces (KNDF) and the PDFs in Karenni State?

A: They are active. And their morale is very high. They have proclaimed that they would fight till the end. We will not get such a chance again if we don’t win. We have proclaimed that we would fight against the junta through unity and cooperation on all fronts. So we don’t need to talk too much.

The one reason is that they need a lot of strategies as they are active youths. We have already said that to win a battle, we should not fight the enemy impulsively. We should not fight the enemy in anger and with a feeling of revenge. We need to fight the enemy in a strategic and systematic manner. They need to pay heed to it. We recognize their courage and audacity in the battles. We take pride in them. I would like to say that they are truly brave revolutionists.

Sent by Maw Oo Myar (Kantarawaddy Times)

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