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“The crucial point is the NUG and especially officials from the National League for Democracy (NLD) need to understand the ways of how to make preparations for the establishment of the future federal while making the revolution. We have no discrimination. Don’t centralize the federal system” KNPP Chair Abel Tweed

An interview with KNPP Chair Abel Tweed

October 6th, 2021

The Kantaryawaddy Time (KT) interviewed Abel Tweed, Chair of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) about the current armed conflicts, the military council’s activities in Karenni State, the KNPP’s stand and the future federal democratic union.

Q: May I know your review on the situations in Karenni State after the military coup on February 1st?

A: It has been over eight months since Min Aung Hlaing staged a coup in February. It will enter its ninth month next month. I encourage the people’s burning desires to fight against the military. The people have declared the revolution since before. Fighting between the military and the People’s Defence Forces has destroyed villages and houses. The people in Demawsoe and Loikaw face difficulties. The military used heavy weapons and military flights in the fighting with the PDFs from February until March. The military bombed the villages in Kachin and Chin State. The use of heavy weapons by the military damaged and destroyed the houses and villages. Many houses in Demawsoe, Loikaw and Dawngankhar were destroyed by heavy weapons. More than 100,000 people are taking shelter in the forests. The situation may become worse. In my view, fighting would continue.

Q: May I know about cooperation with the National Unity Government (NUG) which leads the country’s affairs during the interim period?

A: We have two opitions—whether to join the NUG or the military council. We don’t want to join the military. We will join the NUG for a certain period of time. We expect the future federal system which can guarantee the lives of ethics. We will discuss it. The crucial point is the NUG and especially officials from the National League for Democracy (NLD) need to understand the ways of how to make preparations for the establishment of the future federal while making the revolution. We have no discrimination. Don’t centralize the federal system. We need to earnestly think about ways of how to share three powers. The federal will comes out when we draft a constitution in a like-minded manner. We need to wage a resistance war against the military in cooperation with the PDFs and the NUG in seven states.

Q: Does the KNPP have a plan to receive the CDM police and soldiers which will defect in the KNPP-controlled areas or to the KNPP?

A: No need to say. We have a plan to receive them. We have planned to receive the persons who will defect to the public. We have formed committees. We will welcome them. I would like to urge soldiers and polices to defect to the public before it is too late. Min Aung Hlaing will become a culprit. He has committed the genocide crimes. He will certainly face the lawsuits at the ICJ and the ICC.

Q: What is your message to the youth revolutionists in Karenni State?

A: Especially, our duty is to drive all military troops out in Karenni State. Karenni people who protect the state will take responsibility for the future management and security of the Karenni State. This is the federal principle. Especially we need to understand the federal system and law. Another point is that all youths need to know themselves.

Q: May I know your view on the military council’s plan to speed up peace processes after the extension of the ceasefire for an additional five months?

A: Nothing is permanent in this world. Eternity is only in the graveyard. In English, it is Rest in Peace. The word “eternity” said by Min Aung Hlaing is only in the graveyard. He sends us to eternity. It is not a good omen. We do not need to listen to his words. Min Aung Hlaing’s words don’t exist in our human society. The person who says eternity is said to be a madman. Min Aung Hlaing’s five-month ceasefire is totally meaningless. Eternal peace exists only in the graveyard.

Q: How does the KNPP want to design the future federal union aspired by the KNPP?

A: According to the rough thinking, the federal is good for today. We must have three branches of sovereign powers, namely legislative power, executive power and judicial power. We must share the powers among the Union and States when we establish a federal union. We have prepared the 4th draft federal constitution. We need to hold a referendum for this draft bill when we run the country under the full federal system. The draft bill needs amending when the public show opposition to it. According to the definition, the Karenni State is a separate and independent state. We need to make a merger of the Constitution, the Union Constitution and the State Constitution.

Q: Which message do you convey to the PDFs?

A: Revolution is not a bed of roses. Revolution is rough. We have no expectations during the revolution period. We need to understand that the revolution trip is harsh and rough and to make preparations for it. Don’t think about expectations and dreams during the revolution period. We must think about the overthrowing of the military dictatorship and the establishment of the future federal union.

Q: May I know your view on the Karenni State’s affairs?

A: The important point is our affairs are to root out the military dictatorship and build up a federal union. Don’t expect the R2P. The UN is not in a position to solve it. As this is our problem, we ourselves must solve it. There is a difficult road ahead. There are many PDFs in Karenni State—Demawsoe PDF, Phalkhone PDF, Moebye PDF and our KNDF. All Karenni people in the Karenni State should be under a single name. Now the conflict-affected areas are wide. But the main point is unity. We all need to root out the military in unity. The Karenni Army (KA) joins the PDF’s resistance wars. This is our historic duty.

Q: Many people across the country participated in the anti-coup protests after the military coup on February 1st. The people are talking about the establishment of a federal union. May I know your view on it?

A: In my view, the public revolution is the best chance. It is the last chance. As the goal of this revolution is to root out the military dictatorship and build up a federal union, the revolution is very big. I would like to call on the public to make revolution till the end like the Myanmar proverb “Never do things by half“. Don’t give up our goal to root out the military dictatorship. If not, we will not get such a chance to fight against the military. Seven states in the country have different geographical locations, races, languages and culture. Anyway, our goal is to build up a federal system under the best possible system. Today, all ethnics are talking about the federal. To be exact, the Karenni State is separate and independent. But we talk about the federal by casting it aside. The first goal of the Karenni State is to become an independent state. Due to various circumstances, we have talked about the federal only in 1990-2000. We agree with all ethnics’s desires to live in unity. The attitude of the Karenni people is another sector.

Q: What is your message to the armed organizations and each PDF member in Karenni State?

A: The main point is we need to have national spirit. It will not be ok if we pay attention to self-interest without national spirit. But don’t feel depressed. We must win. Time has come to end the military dictatorship. It is time for the military to collapse after it has reached its climax. I would like to urge all groups to collectively fight against the military.

Asked by Maw Oo Myar (Kantaryawaddy Time)

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