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“Now, regardless of plain and hill regions and organizations, it is the duty of our entire people to fight against the army in order to achieve our revolution” Pu Htet Ni (Spokesperson – CNF)

An interview with the CNF’s Spokesperson Pu Htet Ni

September 7th, 2021

The Chin National Front (CNF) is an ethnic armed revolutionary organization which has been revolutionizing the successive military governments in Chin State. The KMG interviewed Pu Htet Ni, Spokesperson the CNF about its relation with the Chinland Defense Forces formed in townships of Chin State after the military coup by military chief Min Aung Hlaing and a linkage between the CNF and the National Unity Government (NUG) emerged with the Spring Revolution.

Q: Currently, local people defense forces (PDFs) are formed in townships of Chin State. These PDFs are revolutionizing the military council. The CNF is giving training to the PDFs. May I know about the CNF’s cooperation with the PDFs?

A: After the military coup by Min Aung Hlaing, youths (that’s to say, Generation-Z) take up arms. Our Chin ethnic is the CNF, isn’t it? Youths from four corners of Chin State have decided to revolutionize the army by taking up arms. The youths may get arrested. Most youths from the plain area formed the PDFs while the youths from Chin formed the Chinland Defense Force (CDF) and the Chin National Defense Force (CNDF).

But the political goal of these groups is exactly the same. They will go back to the classrooms and work after overthrowing the military regime. They have the same goal. Despite different race names and locations, we all have the same goal. But one point is the CNF needs to make cooperation with the leaders of the PDFs to fight against the army, in the long run. We need to carry out work in a collective manner. Now we are working collectively.

Q: How does the CNF give the basic military training?

A: We give the basic guerrilla training for 10 or 15 days. It is intended for urban guerrilla warfare. It is not a very basic training course. At the beginning, we gave this training course at Victoria Headquarters. The CNF’s course instructors give such training in the regions due to transportation and security difficulties. In the plain area, such a training course is conducted. At the beginning, we were okay. Now security is tightened. We have to conduct the training courses at the suitable places.

Q: May I know the difficulties of trainees and training courses? What are the feelings of youth trainees?

A: As an ethnic armed organization (EAOs), the CNF has some difficulties according to political, economic and social situations in Chin Mountain Ranges. The major difficulty is finance and accommodation. The EAOs may have such difficulties more or less. But the CNF could overcome these difficulties during 30 years. Young students may have a few difficulties. But they underwent the guerrilla training course. Now they are applying the techniques. They have come to know their difficulties and how to overcome their difficulties. They have obedience. All CDF and PDF members are trying harder as they are working with the political attitude that they have no future as long as they are under military rule. Their spirits become stronger when they face loss in the battle.

Q: How many trainees have undergone the training at the CNF’s camp?

A: The CNF has trained more than 4,000 youths at the CNF’s headquarters. Due to security difficulty at the headquarters, we gave training to around 5,000 youths in the region. According to a rough estimate, the total number of trainees has reached nearly 10,000.

Q: Did the CNF join in the CDF/PDF fighting? Which role does the CNF play?

A: The CNF has made agreements with the CDF, the PDF and the National Unity Government (NUG) for the command and control in the battles and military operations. We provide technology in the training courses and battles. We mainly provide landmine technology. As they have no weapons and manpower, we have to fill the weak parts. We help them in all battles.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: As I mentioned earlier, the groups from the PDF, the CDF and our EAOs to the people from all strata, are working to overthrow the military regime with the commitment that this revolution must prevail. It is impossible for the military council (so-called the caretaker government) to stand for a longer period of time as long as our attitude exists. We have declared that we took up arms and there was fighting. Our EAOs have experienced it for 70 years. The youths from the plain region have come to understand our feelings more and more. We will be stronger as we share our feelings. Now, regardless of plain and hill regions and organizations, it is the duty of our entire people to fight against the army in order to achieve our revolution. In doing so, some people don’t want to do it and some people may have difficulty. We all must do something to take action and overthrow the opposition. I would like to call on the people to be quiet and not to stymie it if they don’t want to have a hand in the revolution. No one wants to live under military rule. Those from the opposition side are working for the survival of their families. As a matter of fact, they don’t want to do it as they are afraid. I would like to call on the dissidents not to disrupt us. We all are responsible for the success of the revolution. We need to fight together.

Sent by the KMG

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