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“We all are fighting to culminate dictatorship. Each life lost is precious. Fighting together without discrimination is vital. Our revolution must succeed.” Salai Boris (CDF spokesperson)

Interview with Salai Boris, spokesperson of Chinland Defense Force (CDF)

8 May 2021

After Military Council improperly took the power from civilian government on February 1 2021, Chinland Defense Force (CDF) was formed on April 4 with the intention to prohibit the brutal actions of military dictators, including such as arresting, torturing whilst interrogation and killing the peaceful protestors, CDM workers or innocent citizens. The CDF is formed with Chin nationals from (9) townships of Chin State and abroad. We interviewed with the CDF.

MPM : Please mention about the CDF first. How and when was it formed?

SB : The reason of the formation of the CDF is that we, the people, were protesting actively against the military dictatorship in various ways. However, when Military Council arrested and killed the unarmed citizens by using violence, we have realized that our peaceful demonstration is not enough to face with those brutal killers. Then we started discussion how to use our right of self-defense for safety. We had discussed with people’s security forces from nine townships by the middle of March and formed the CDF on April 4.

MPM : What is the main purpose for the establishment of the CDF and describe its policy?

SB : The CDF involves various members from different backgrounds. Some are still students, some are working and some with family problems. The formation of the CDF is not based on political policy. Since it was formed just to protect people from the attack of these brutal military troops, we will be active during this revolution. The main principle for the CDF is to protect civilians. However, we all have the common goal – to abolish 2008 constitution, to end military dictatorship and to build Federal Union.

MPM : How will the CDF forward its movement? Please describe any current action of the CDF (if you can share).

SB : The CDF will always warn Military Council in advance. For instance, we warn them not to disturb the detainees and not to ask money or rob from travelers. If military troops do not stop their wrongful violent acts, the CDF will response them strategically with various ways.

MPM : What are the challenging difficulties the CDF encountered?

SB : There are a lot of challenges. Military troops surrounded our places, shut down the information, blocked the carriage of food supply and jammed transportation. We therefore faced considerable inconveniences. Nevertheless, we will be fighting until the end without giving up.

MPM : Some are not sure whether the CDF is an armed group or not. Please comment.

SB : We have also been asked this kind of question. The question then arises: will the CDF stand as an armed organization in the future? In fact, the answer for this question is ‘NO’. The CDF is formed as a self-defense force only for this revolution period. There will be no CDF anymore as soon as the revolution succeeds.

MPM : Is there any alliance or cooperation with other groups? Is there any plan to join with others?

SB : As already mentioned in our statement, we will implement the instruction of the NUG. We plan joining and working together with related organizations that are doing for Chin people and Chin national security.

MPM : Please tell about the plans that the CDF will perform during these days if it is possible to share.

SB : We cannot tell everything in details. But our movement depends on the military troops’ performance. We will make to guarantee the safety of CDM workers or protestors and to let go of fear in order to practice their freedom of movement to the places they desired.

MPM : What do you want to say for Chin nationals and the protestors against military as your final message?

SB : We, the CDF or the public or the protestors, must be strong first. The revolution must be successful. We have to fight together for its success. We have to support each other in order to be able to avoid disagreement. We are fighting for the common goal – to culminate the military dictatorship. Each life lost is precious. Fighting together without discrimination based on religion or ethnicity is vital. Our revolution must succeed.

Sent by KMG

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