3 July 2024 /

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Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team

ethnic armed org logo


Founded: 2013
Operation area:
Estimated Strength:

NCCT Leader:

  • Vice-Chairman: Nai Hong Sar, New Mon State Party

Seventeen Ethnic Armed Organizations held a conference in Laiza, the headquarters of KIO/KIA on 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2013. At the end of the conference, ethnic leaders established Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) on Nov 2, 2013. The NCCT will represent to member ethnic armed organizations when negotiating with government peace negotiation team, UPWC.

  • Deputy Leader 1: General Secretary – Padoh Kwe Htoo Win (Karen National Union)
  • Deputy Leader 2: Deputy Commander-in-Chief – Maj. Gen. Gun Maw (KIA)


  • Lt. Col. Kyaw Han, Arakan Army
  • Central Committee Member Ms. Mra Raza Lin, Arakan Liberation Party
  • General Secretary Twan Zaw, Arakan National Council
  • Presidium Dr. Lian Sakhong, Chin National Front
  • Col. Saw Lont Lon, Democratic Karen Benevolent Army
  • Secretary-2 Shwe Myo Thant, Karenni National Progressive Party
  • Gen. Dr. Timothy, Foreign Affairs, KNU/KNLA Peace Council
  • Col. Hkun Okker, Patron, Pa-Oh National Liberation Organization
  • Central Committee member Sai Ba Tun, Shan State Progress Party
  • Secretary-General Ta Aik Nyunt, Wa National Organization

Peace Process

Official delegation team

13 Members

Liaison offices

NCCT member Organizations:

  1. Arakan Liberation Party
  2. Arakan National Council
  3. Arakan Army
  4. Chin National Front
  5. Democratic Karen Benevolent Army
  6. Karenni National Progressive Party
  7. Chairman, Karen National Union
  8. KNU/KNLA Peace Council
  9. Lahu Democratic Union
  10. Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
  11. New Mon State Party
  12. Pa-Oh National Liberation Organization
  13. Palaung State Liberation Front
  14. Shan State Progress Party
  15. Wa National Organiztion
  16. Kachin Independence Organization

Note: Representatives of Restoration Council of Shan State attended the ethnic armed organizations conference held in Laiza, the headquarters of KIO. Representatives of RCSS didn’t sign on the 11-common position. The Restoration Council for Shan State is in full agreement with the Common Position but refrained from signing since the newly formed Committee for Shan State Unity (17 October 2013) of which it is a member, requires that it be consulted first prior to signing any agreements.


 #  Date  Location  EAO rep  Govt Rep  Details
1 04-05/11/2013 Myitkyina 18 arms groups UPWC- Aung Min/ Thein Zaw/ Military proposed points 6 points –

  1. True will to get peace
  2. To promise the agreements
  3. Not to exploit the peace agreements
  4. Not to burden the locals
  5. To follow the law and regulations issued by Government
  6. To follow the 2008 constitution with Democratic and 3 main objectives of previous government./ Government proposed 4 points 1. To negotiate with the demands of ethnic armed groups 2. Ceasefire agreement should be reaffirmed and after ceasefire agreements to continue the political dialogue. To cooperate the process to peace. For the first time with government and ethnic armed groups in history.
2 26/11/2013 Chiang Mai NCCT “Reviewing the Govt draft of nationwide ceasefire agreement, Laiza agreement. Federal Army”
3 15/12/2013 Yangon NCCT UPWC Informal meeting
4 29/12/2013 Chaing Mai NCCT UPWC The Burmese government has reached what one observer said was an 80 percent consensus with the ethnic groups on a framework to implement a nationwide ceasefire agreement. The news comes after a meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on Sunday between the Internal Peace Making Work Committee (IPMWC) and a Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) representing the ethnic parties.
5 09/01/2014 Chiang Mai NCCT Vice minister U Aung Thein Informal Meeting
Ceasefire Accord Disscussion and consultation held in Chaing Mai.
6 13/01/2014 Chiang Mai NCCT Informal Meeting
Workshop for political framwork – NCCT organized 2 workshop – one is from 9 to 11- for ceasefire accord, and one is from 13 to 15 for political framework.
7 20,25/01/2014 Hpa-an NCCT, RCSS + …(17 Arms Groups) A conference of most of Burma’s ethnic armed groups began Monday in KNU-controlled territory with an ethnic Karen leaders affirming his support for ongoing talks with the government toward a nationwide ceasefire agreement.The conference is taking place ahead of more talks with government negotiators in the Karen State capital of Hpa-an next month, is being attended by the majority of groups, with the exceptions of the main Wa rebel group and its allied Mong La militia group. 20 to 25.
8 29/01/2014 Chaing Mai NCCT Aung Min- MPC Informal Meeting
The nationwide ceasefire agreement drafted by the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) has been submitted to the Burmese government’s peace negotiator Aung Min.The NCCT, a committee of ethnic armed group representatives, met with the government’s Internal Peace Making Committee (IPMC) on Wednesday in Chiang Mai, Thailand. While submitting the draft is an important step in Burma’s protracted peace process, no agreement has yet been reached between the two sides.
9 13/06/2014 Chaing Mai NCCT members Formal Meeting
NCCT members held a formal meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 12 – 16 June. They discussed the preparation for coming EAOs summit meeting which is planned to hold in July.
10 15/06/2014 Chaing Mai NCCT (Gen. Gun Maw, Nai Hongsa, Padoh Kwe Htoo Win) MPC technical team (Hla Maung Shwe, Nyo Ohn Myint) Informal Meeting
U Hla Maung Shwe and U Nyo Ohn Myint of MPC technical team and Gen. Gun Maw, Nai Hongsa and Padoh Kwe Htoo Win met in Chiang Mai on 16 June. They discussed the preparation for coming meeting of NCCT-UPWC.
11 02/07/2014 Chaing Mai, Thailand Gen Gwan Maw, Naing Han Sor, and other representatives of NCCT Informal Meeting
Nationawide ceasefire coordination Team held the meeting in Chaing Mai, to discuss over the draft for 2 days.
12 06/07/2014 Chaing Mai, Thailand Gen Gwan Maw, Col Khun Okkar, Htwan Zaw and Pado KweHtoowin MPC -Hla Mg Shwe, Salai Ngun Cung Lian,Dr Kyaw Yin Hlaing, Dr Minzawoo, NyoOhnMyint, Waiyan moe thone thann, Informal Meeting
NCCT and MPC technical teams meeting in Chaing Mai for Nationwide ceasefire agreement –
13 07/07/2014 Chiang Mai, Thailand NCCT Inside 12 political parties Informal Meeting
NCCT members meet representatives of 12 inside political parties including ethnic political parties in Chiang Mai on 7 July. They discussed about PR system, peace process, federal union, etc.
14 13/07/2014 Chiang Mai, Thailand Gen. Gun Maw, Padoh Kwe Htoo Win, Col. Khun Okker MPC technical team (Hla Maung Shwe, Dr. Min Zaw Oo, Aung Naing Oo, Tin Maung Than, Dr. Andrew, Nyo Ohn Myint) Informal Meeting
The discussed about next round of meeting for single text document and about EAOs meeting planned to hold in Laiza on 24-26 July.President Thein Sein suggested that wording should be understandable and simple in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.
15 03/08/2014 Myitkyina 11 from NCCT and 7 from NCCT-technical team U Aung Min, U Thein Zaw, U Tun Tun Oo, Gen Thet Naing Win, another 2 representatives and 4 people from MPC Informal meeting
Both participants discussed about NCA, how to build a federal union and army. Both teams will meet again at MPC in Yangon.The government hopes to have the agreement signed in September, after which a framework for political dialogue will be set, paving the way for political talks early in the New Year. The NCCT is scheduled to meet the government peacemaking committee led by U Aung Min in Myitkyina on August 3, while formal discussions are to take place in Yangon on August 12.
16 09/08/2014 Chiang Mai NCCT NCCT members hold a meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Except Nai Hongsa and Dr. Liang H. Sakhong, other NCCT members atteded the meeting. the meeting will take for 4 days. They discussed and reviewed NCA draft proposed by UPWC.
17 12/08/2014 Chiang Mai NCCT MPC technical team Informal meeting
NCCT led by Nai Hongsa and MPC technical team led by Hla Maung Shwe met in Chiang Mai. They held a pre-meeting for the upcoming meeting on 15-16 Aug at MPC in Ygn. They discussed about next meeting agenda between NCCT and UPWC for NCA third draft.
18 15-17/08/2014 Yangon NCCT – representatives UPWC and MPC technical team 5th informal
UPWC led by U Aung Min held talks with the NCCT delegation led by U Nai Hong Sar for three (3) days from 15-17 August 2014 at the Myanmar Peace Center in Yangon. The delegations continued negotiations towards a single-text draft of the NCA. NCCT and UPWC released a joint statement on 17 Aug after the talks. UPWC agreed to build a federal union in principles.
19 18/08/2014 Yangon NCCT – representatives 34 Political Parties, UPWC Informal
UPWC-NCCT and political parties held a meeting at MPC in Yangon on 18 Aug. Representatives from 34 political parties including NLD attended the meeting. All participants discussed about the peace process and future implementation plan.
20 19/08/2014 Yangon NCCT 88 Students Informal
NCCT leaders met 88 generation leaders and CBOs in Yangon on 19 Aug. They discussed about peace process. The meeting began at 10 a.m to 1 p.m. Ko Ko Gyi, 88 Generation leader, attended the meeting.
21 19/08/2014 Yangon NCCT 54 Civil Society Groups Informal
NCCT leaders met 54 Civil Society Groups : They want the triangle dialouges among Govt including Executive,legislative and military, EAOs, Democratic Opposition. while the government asking for the 8 stakeholders dialouges.


9-11/09/2014 Chiang Mai NCCT – NCCT members

NCCT members hold a meeting in Chiang Mai. They discuss about NCA and the temporary suspension of KNU in UNFC.


22-23/12/2014 MPC in Yangon NCCT (Padoh Kwe HtooWin, Col. Khun Okker, Thaw Reh, Twan Zaw) UPWC (U Aung Min, U Thein Zaw, Lt. Gen. Thet Naing Win, MPCguys) Formal
NCCT demanded to hold a meeting with stakeholders of Laiza attacks to solve this kind of problems and to avoid this kind of incidence. NCCT demanded 5 points to UPWC in the first day of meeting.


  1. NCCT and UPWC held an informal meeting in Chiang Mai on 10 January 2014
  2. NCCT and UPWC held an informal meeting at Alpine Golf Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 29 Dec 2013. They discussed about “single text document” for the Nationwide Ceasefire proposal.
  3. NCCT and UPWC held an informal meeting at MPC in Yangon on 15 Dec 2013. They discussed about the Nationwide Ceasefire proposal.
  4. Eleven Point Common Position of Ethnic Resistance Organizations on Nationwide Ceasefire
  5. NCCT representatives held the public consultation meeting in MyitKyinar explaining the role of NCCT (May 15,2014)


10 Sep 2015 – EAOs released a statement on the meeting between EAOs, SD delegates and president Thein Sein in Naypyitaw
24 Aug 2015 – EAOs s SD released a statement after meeting (Eng)
24 Aug 2015 – EAOs s SD released a statement after meeting
07 Aug 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on 9th official meeting (Eng)
07 Aug 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on 9th official meeting (Bur)
06 Aug 2015 – EAOs SD and UPWC released a statement on 9th official meeting
06 Aug 2015 – EAOs SD and UPWC kick off the 9th official at MPC in Yangon
29 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on the high level meeting (Bur)
24 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement after 8th official meeting (Bur)
24 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement after 8th official meeting (Eng)
24 July 2015 – EAOs SD and UPWC released a joint statement after 8th official meeting (Bur)
23 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a state on 8th official meeting with UPWC (Bur)
23 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a state on 8th official meeting with UPWC (Eng)
22 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on 8th official meeting with UPWC (Bur)
22 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on 8th official meeting with UPWC (Eng)
21 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on the NCA discussion
18 July 2015 – EAOs SD released a statement on 18 July 2015 after SD third meeting
05 July 2015 – EAOs Senior Delegation for the NCA released a statement after 2nd meeting
June 9, 2015 – EAOs summit released a statement after the conference (Bur)
June 9, 2015 – EAOs released a statement after Lawkheeler meeting (eng)
Mar 20, 2015 – Nai Hongsa denied disarm in his interview
Dec 23, 2014 – NCCT – UPWC released a joint statement
Aug 17, 2014 – NCCT-UPWC joint statement released after ceasefire talks on 17 Aug 2014 – Bur
Aug 17, 2014 – NCCT-UPWC joint statement released after ceasefire talks on 17 Aug 2014 – Eng
Jul 31, 2014 – A statement of Ethnic Arms Organizations summit
Jul 29, 2014 – 10 point guide line of EAOs
May 23, 2014 – Joint Statement of NCCT and UPWC from second time of single text drafting meeting
May 15, 2014 – NCCT representative Naing Han Sor ‘s speech at Myitkyinar public consultation meeting
May 13, 2014 – NCCT representatives participated in Govt and KIO Myitkyinar meeting as observers
Mar 10, 2014 – A Joint Statement of NCCT and UPWC on Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement-Bur
Mar 10, 2014 – A Joint Statement of NCCT and UPWC on Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement-Eng
Jan 25, 2014 – NCCT’s released statement
Nov 02, 2013 – Laiza statement for common agreement




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ကချင်ပြည် လွတ်လပ်ရေးအဖွဲ့

ကရင်နီ အမျိုးသားတိုးတက်ရေးပါတီ

ကူကီး အမျိုးသားအစည်းအရုံး (မြန်မာပြည်)


မြန်မာ အမျိုးသားဒီမိုကရေစီ မဟာမိတ်အဖွဲ့ (ကိုးကန့်တပ်ဖွဲ့)

အမျိုးသားဒီမိုကရေစီ သွေးစည်းညီညွတ်ရေးတပ်မတော်


နာဂအမျိုးသား ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ကောင်စီ (ကပ်ပလန်)

ပအို့ဝ် အမျိုးသား လွတ်မြောက်ရေးအဖွဲ့

တအောင်း အမျိုးသားလွတ်မြောက်ရေးတပ်ဦး

သျှမ်းပြည် ပြန်လည်ထူထောင်ရေးကောင်စီ (သျှမ်းပြည် တပ်မတော် – တောင်ပိုင်း)

သျှမ်းပြည် တိုးတက်ရေးပါတီ (သျှမ်းပြည်တပ်မတော် – မြောက်ပိုင်း)


‘၀’ ပြည် သွေးစည်းညီညွတ်ရေးတပ်မတော်