Shan State Progress Party/ Shan State Army – SSPP/SSA


Shan State Progress Party/ Shan State Army – SSPP/SSA


Founded 24 April 1964, 16 August 1971

Headquarters Wan Hai, Kyethi Township, northern Shan State

Active territories Langkho, Monghsu, Kyethi, Mongkaing, Laihka, Pinlon, Loilen, Hopong and Lawksawk Townships in southern Shan State; Mongyai, Tangyan, Lashio, Hsipaw, Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, Mongmit, Namtu, Namhsan, Manton, Hseni, Kutkai, Muse and Namhkan in northern Shan State

Size Over 10,000

Chairman General Sao Pang Fa

Vice-Chairman Lieutenant General Sao Khun Hseng

General Secretary Colonel Kyaw Hla

After the 2021 military coup, there were informal meetings between the military and SSPP/SSA. However, on 9 and 11 June 2023, the military pressured the SSPP/SSA to withdraw from 10 of their camps in Laihka Township, southern Shan State. These camps were strategically important for the security of SSPP/ SSA’s Kho Lam military command and there were no plans to withdraw. 1

After meetings between the UWSA, NDAA, SSPP/SSA, and the military from 20 to 21 July 2023, the three groups reportedly informed the military that they were not ready to attend the peace conference that it was trying to organize. 2

On 3 May 2024, the SSPP/SSA announced its decision to fight against the military, stating that there was no longer a way to find solutions through political dialogue to achieve a genuine democratic union.” Successive military regimes have swallowed up ethnic minorities and failed to comply with the points agreed upon and signed in the Panglong Agreement. After the 2021 military coup, Myanmar’s political situation has reached a point where it’s impossible to find solutions through negotiation at the table. With no other options left, we chose the path of armed revolution,” said Vice-Chair Lieutenant General Sao Khun Hseng. 3

The SSPP/SSA has engaged in battles with both the military and the RCSS/SSA another Shan resistance group. However, on 29 November 2023, the two sides announced a ceasefire based on the will of their respective leaders. 4

In addition, due to territorial overlaps and disputes in the region, there have been clashes with allied resistance forces such as the TNLA and MNDAA. To resolve conflicts among allies, they have often used the platform of the FPNCC, of which SSPP/SSA is a member.

Armed clashes with the military

There were ten armed clash events between the SSPP/SSA and the military from 2022 to the end of June 2024.

Armed clashes with EROs

There were 35 armed clash events between the SSPP/SSA and RCSS/SSA from 2020 to 9 July 2024. There were also clashes with allied resistance forces such as TNLA and MNDAA over the territorial overlaps and disputes in the region.

1 Junta pressures SSPP/SSA troops to withdraw from Laihka Township, RFA, 13 June 2023
2 Interview with SSPP Spokesperson Lt. Col. Sai Su, BNI-MPM, 1 August 2023
3 SSPP declares war on junta, RFA, 3 May 2024
4 SSPP and RCSS announce ceasefire after prolonged fighting, RFA, 29 November 2023

Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2023 – 2024)



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