New Mon State Party/ Mon National Liberation Army – NMSP/MNLA


New Mon State Party/ Mon National Liberation Army – NMSP/MNLA


Founded – 20 July 1958

Headquarters – Ye Chaung Phyar, Mon State

Active territories – Thaton, Paung, Chaungsone, Mawlamyine, Kyaikmaraw, Mudon, Thanphyuzayat and Ye in Mon State; Hpa-An, Kawkareik, Payathonzu valley and Kyainseikgyi in Karen State; and Yebyu, Myeik and Dawei in Tanintharyi Region

Size – Over 1500

Chairman – Nai Han Thar

Vice Chairman – Nai Aung Min

The NMSP has been actively participating in the peace process after the signing of the NCA, took the leadership position in the PPST and then held informal talks with the military since the 2021 coup. In April 2023, the NMSP submitted its resignation from the PPST and reduced its participation in talks.

In the statement by the NMSP on the 76th Anniversary of Mon National Day, the NMSP said it would join hands with all ethnic groups in self-determination. It believes that trying to hold elections without addressing the political crisis could lead to more conflict. In addition, the NMSP pointed out that even though it is holding talks with the military, the rights of ethnic peoples are still far away due to its adherence to the 2008 Constitution. 1

In June 2023, NMSP’s Chair Nai Han Thar said that if all EROs joined the Spring Revolution to eradicate the military dictatorship, they would join them. 2 At the 11th party conference which began on 25 December 2023, Nai Han Thar was re-elected as the chair. 3

On 14 February 2024, a faction of individuals who share similar beliefs and positions, led by General Secretary Nai Zeya and Brig-Gen Sa Lun Htaw, broke away from the NMSP and established a splinter group known as the New Mon State Party-Anti-Dictatorship (NMSP-AD). The NMSP-AD expressed its belief that the only way is to end all forms of dictatorship, for the emergence of a federal union which fully guarantees the rights to national equality and self-determination.

The NMSP-AD is engaging in political and military collaboration with the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC). Furthermore, it is undertaking military cooperation with other resistance forces in the Mon region, including the NUG.

The Central Executive Committee of the NMSP announced on 31 May 2024 that NMSP-AD has no affiliation with the parent party. The NMSP continued its membership in the restructured 7 EAO Alliance.

1 Political stance of NMSP after talks with junta, RFA, 9 February 2023
2 NMSP chair says they will join Spring Revolution if all EAOs engage in it, BNI, 29 June 2023
3 Nai Han Thar re-elected as NMSP Chair, no changes in top party leadership, Than Lwin Times, 12 January 2024


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Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2023 – 2024)



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