United League of Arakan/ Arakha Army – ULA/AA


United League of Arakan/ Arakha Army – ULA/AA


Founded 10 April 2009

Headquarters KIO-controlled territory, Kachin State

Active territories Kachin State, Shan State (North), Paletwa Township in Chin State, and throughout Arakan State

Size Around 40,000 1

Commander-in-Chief Major General Twan Mrat Naing

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Dr. Nyo Twan Awng

Secretary (1) Colonel Kyaw Han

The conflicts between the ULA/AA and the military in Arakan State, which had been ongoing since early 2019, came to an abrupt ceasefire following talks between the two sides on 30 December 2020. After the 2021 military coup, the military removed the ULA/AA from its list of terrorist groups on 11 March 2021. As various forces across the country began to resist the coup, the ULA/AA itself started to assume control of administrative and judicial sectors within Arakan State.

Fighting flared up between the military and the ULA/AA in June 2021 and it lasted until early November 2022. However, on 26 November 2022, the military and ULA/AA once again agreed to a humanitarian pause, a temporary ceasefire for humanitarian reasons. 2

It can be said that the ULA/AA’s activities within the sphere of the Spring Revolution, which aims to end all forms of dictatorship and build a federal democratic union, have been progressing while maintaining information security and preparing strategies and timing to reach their ultimate goal.

The ULA/AA took a leading role alongside the MNDAA and TNLA in “Operation 1027,” which began in the northern Shan State on 27 October 2023. On 13 November 2023, the ULA/AA offensive targeted the military, including capturing camps and towns. This occurred in Paletwa Township of Chin State and throughout Arakan State. Although the momentum of “Operation 1027” in the northern Shan State halted after the Haigeng Agreement reached through the mediation of the Chinese government in January 2024, the ULA/AA’s front in Arakan State remains steadfast. The ULA/AA’s offensive, including capturing camps and towns across Arakan State, continues.

The ULA/AA has so far seized control of 16 towns from the military’s control: Paletwa and Samee in Chin State on 14 and 16 January 2024; Pauktaw in Arakan State on 19 January; Minbya, Taungpyoletwea, and Kyauktaw on 6 February; Mrauk-U on 8 February; Myebon and Kanhtaunggyi on 15 February; Ma-Ei on 16 February; Ponnagyun on 4 March; Ramree and Sa Ne on 11 March; Rathedaung on 17 March; Buthidaung on 20 March; and Thandwe on 16 July. 3

At the same time, the ULA/AA is implementing administrative, security, and demining operations for these captured towns.

On 10 April 2024, marking the 15th anniversary of the Arakan Army’s founding, the ULA/AA announced that they would change the name of the “Arakan Army” to “Arakha Army (AA)” to represent all residents of Arakan State. They also stated that the soldiers serving in ULA/AA would now be referred to as “Arakha soldiers.”

The ULA/AA has been engaging in discussions with the NUG and fully participating in “Operation 1027” alongside the 3BHA. Moreover, they are providing support for the military activities of the Chin Brotherhood (CB) in the Chin State. Therefore, it can be said that the ideological movement of the ULA/AA, which started with the Arakanese national agenda called the “Way of Rakhita” or Arakan’s goals, is now moving towards the liberation of all ethnic nationalities, equal and fair rights for all ethnic nationalities without discrimination, and unity among all ethnic groups.

Armed clashes with the military

A total of 452 armed clash events took place between the AA and the military between January 2020 and the end of June 2024.

Armed clash events with EROs

In 2023, a total of two armed clash events took place between the AA and the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA).

1 AA planning offensive on all remaining towns in Arakan, DMG, 3 June 2024
2 Junta and AA agree temporary truce in Arakan State, The Irrawaddy, 28 November 2022
3 Towns captured and controlled by resistance forces, BNI-MPM, 20 July 2024


Telegram – https://t.me/aainfodesk
Website – https://www.arakanarmy.net/

Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2023 – 2024)



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