Junta launches airstrikes on Kyon Laung village in Ye Township

Caption – Displaced people from Kyon Laung village

Locals report that the military conducted airstrikes on Kyon Laung village in Ye Township, Mon State, around 1:30pm on 11 January.

According to residents, fighting has continued between junta troops advancing toward Kyon Laung village and joint resistance forces since 9 January.

In addition to repeated indiscriminate artillery fire from junta battalions and bases in Ye Township, four military aircraft began bombing the Kyon Laung village area since 1:30 pm on 11 January, according to residents.

“They aren’t conducting airstrikes in town – but in the Kyon Laung area. We don’t know exactly where they’re hitting though. People in Ye town are really scared now. We’ve never seen anything like this before,” said one local resident.

According to local sources, junta troops began artillery fire and launched ground operations after receiving information about the presence of joint resistance forces in the Kyon Laung village area on 8 January.

Due to the artillery shelling and military operations in the area, hundreds of residents from Kyon Laung and neighboring villages have fled to Wei Zin village in New Mon State Party-controlled territory since 8 January.

Locals said that while there were no casualties from the airstrikes as the locals were fleeing, there could have been some damage to the village as smoke could be seen from afar.
According to Ye Township residents, the junta has blocked roads around the conflict zone in Kyon Laung village and is conducting strict inspections of travelers.

In addition, after the junta positioned artillery on monastery hilltops along the Kyon Laung village road east of Ye town, all monks and villagers from surrounding areas were forced to evacuate urgently to Ye town on the evening of 10 January, according to sources.

Sent by IMNA.


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