Internally displaced people in Kyaikmaraw Township in Mon State are in need of health and medical assistance, according to people helping the displaced.
More than half of the IDPs are women and children, including those with chronic conditions, pregnant women and elderly people in need of health and medical assistance.
For almost a month, an elderly woman and another woman suffering from cancer have died among the IDPs, said Dr. Aung Naing Oo, a member of Ramanya Nikaya Charity Association (All Mon Region).
“On 5 December, a 50-year-old woman with cancer from Meitayo village passed away when we went to visit her. After she had to flee her village, she was forced to move from one place to another. She did not even have the opportunity to spend her last moments in peace in her home. Recently, an elderly woman in Kawtpanaw Monastery also passed away during her displacement. That is why we need the help of various groups and organizations,” said Dr. Aung Naing Oo.
He added that it is difficult for ambulances from outside to enter the area due to travel restrictions during the fighting.
The fighting erupted after joint Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) forces attacked Chaunghnitkhwa police station and the checkpoint at Chaunghnitkhwa Bridge in Kyaikmaraw Township on 10 November. The fighting intensified and residents of at least 20 villages were displaced.
The New Mon State Party (MNSP) health team is providing basic medical care to the displaced, but the chronically ill, critically ill and pregnant women still need medical assistance, said one displaced person from Pyartaung area.
“I’m really worried about my wife because she is pregnant. I don’t know if this battle will last until the town is taken. I’m afraid that she will be trapped if I send her to the town. That’s why she moved to the Kawmeik village, which is easier to reach,” he said.
While food and shelter for the IDPs are not currently in short supply, in time food could also become scarce, and health care and medicines also need to be prepared, IDP aid groups said.
In Kyaikmaraw Townsbip, at least 20,000 IDPs are housed in eight locations, including Kamarwet Monastery and nearby towns and villages.
Sent by IMNA.