Junta burns down three villages in Palaw Township

Photo – Myeik District Battalion-1

Military junta troops set fire to three villages along the Palaw-Myeik highway, and the fires continued to burn for two days, according to local villagers.

The villages that have been set ablaze by the junta troops are Ta Po, Set Taw Yar, and Kye, located along the Palaw-Myeik highway.

Between Ta Po and Set Taw Yar villages, five houses and over 50 acres of rubber plantations were set on fire by the junta troops on 11 January at around 1:30pm.

The fires in the plantations continued to burn until the morning of 13 January, according to villagers.

A man in his 40s from Ta Po village said, “It was like a forest fire burning near Set Taw Yar. Last night, we heard the sound of bamboo exploding. This season, the east wind is blowing. It’s the dry season and it’s even worse. Villagers have moved out to safe places, so they can’t put out the fire.”

On the morning of 13 January, the military junta continued to burn down houses in Kye Kyae village. Villagers said they did not yet know how many houses were burned or the subsequent situation.

According to reports, the junta troops set fire to Ta Po village after they were attacked with drones.

The Myeik District Battalion-1 stated that they attacked a column of about 120 junta soldiers who had entered Ta Po village on 11 January at around 1:30pm.

In the attack, eight junta soldiers were killed, and the injured column retreated from the village towards Set Taw Yar village, setting fire to houses and plantations along the way, according to the statement.

Previously, on 9 January, People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and allied resistance fighters attacked the junta troops and Infantry Battalion-17 stationed in Set Taw Yar village in Palaw Township.

Sent by NMG.


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