Four Mon resistance forces to launch military operations under ‘Ramanya Joint Column’


Mon resistance forces announced on 19 January that they will conduct military operations under the ‘Ramanya Joint Column’, a unified force comprising the Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF), Mon State Defense Force (MSDF), New Mon State Party (MNLA-AD) (MNLA-AD), and Mon Liberation Army (MLA).

The four Mon resistance groups formed the ‘Ramanya Joint Column’ during a meeting held in a liberated area on 17 January.

According to Nai Marga, deputy head of Information for the ‘Ramanya Joint Column’, this formation aims to establish a unified Mon army incorporating all resistance forces in the near future.

“We formed this coalition with the goal of creating a unified Mon army that includes all resistance forces in the near future. This is our first step in military cooperation. Our column will be conducting military operations in these Mon areas,” said Nai Marga.

Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, spokesperson for the Ramanya Joint Column, said that they will no longer conduct individual operations but will instead launch coordinated attacks and intensify military operations.

“Soldiers from all four forces will be joining this Ramanya Joint Column. Though we have significant troop numbers, I can’t reveal details due to military confidentiality. We’ll have operation commanders and strategists in place. We’re no longer operating separately like before – we’ll be moving under unified command. We’ll be escalating military operations in the Mon region through this joint column,” Dr. Thiri Mon Chan explained.

The four groups – MSRF, MSDF, MNLA-AD, and MLA – had previously met on 19 December and agreed to work toward establishing a unified Mon army.

According to officials from the military column, the ‘Ramanya Joint Column’ has already drafted military plans to conduct operations across the areas within Mon State.

Sent by IMNA.


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