KNWO addresses more than 60 cases of violence against women in one year


Karenni National Women’s Organization (KNWO) has addressed more than 60 cases of violence against women complained to the KNOW in 2023, Maw ParehMyar, Secretary-2 of the KNWO said.

“We have to deal with more than 60 cases at the most. The Karenni State has Safe House and our KNWO. Other women’s organizations also have organizations that provide services related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Nearly 10 cases are reported in some townships. There are at least five or six cases in some months,” Maw Pharay Myar said.

Among the reported cases, psychological violence is the most common. Physical and sexual are the second most complaints, Maw Pharay Myar said.

Most of the violence occurred in Demoso Township. Loikaw, Shadaw, Moebye and Pekon Townships are also included in the list, according to the KNOW.

Even though the KNWO does not have the right to resolve the complaints, the KNWO had consulted with the relevant organizations at the request of complainants, Maw Pharay Myar added.
“For instance, if the complainant lives in an IDP camp, we have to negotiate with the camp committee and mediate it. It’s often more than tradition and customs practiced in a village. In some places, for example, there is the KSP (Karenni State Police). If there are judges like some EROs (Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations), they judge the case by exercising the law,” Maw Pharay Myar continued.

The KNOW handles more than 60 cases annually. It helped solve more than half of these cases.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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