KIA captures three junta outposts on Inn Taw Gyi-Hpakant border

Caption – KIA soldiers are seen on a frontline position

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has captured three military junta outposts on the Hway Hkar road between Inn Taw Gyi and Hpakant towns in Mohnyin Township, Kachin State, including a strategically important militia camp, according to frontline sources.

A KIA frontline source confirmed that they had captured three military positions in the area between Inn Taw Gyi and Hpakant Township – Hway Hkar, Nyaung Pin and Chaung Wa – where junta troops and members of the Shanni militia had taken up positions together.

“We have captured the three outposts. The battle started on Saturday, so it took us about two days to capture them. At the moment, we are carrying out clearance in these areas. There could be fighting in the remaining places that have not yet been taken. There are other positions in the area,” the source added.

The joint KIA forces attacked these three junta positions on 22 June and took control of Whay Lon and Nyaung Pin outposts on 23 June, and took full control of Chaung Wa outpost at around 5 am on 24 June.

These captured outposts cover security for the area around Inn Taw Gyi and along the route to Hpakant. Before the capture, around 50 soldiers were stationed at the Nyaung Pin outpost and around 30 soldiers at the Chaung Wa and Whay Lon outposts.

During the two days of fighting, the military council forces carried out airstrikes and used artillery, prompting civilians near the conflict areas to leave their homes.

A local from Hpakant said that the KIA’s renewed offensive against these junta outposts on the border between Inn Taw Gyi and Hpakant Township essentially meant that the ethnic army now controls access to the Hway Hkar road to Hpakant.

“The battle took place on the Hway Hkar road that leads to Hpakant. It is the access road to Hpakant from Mohnyin and Hopin. In the past few months, the KIA had also taken control of the Hpakant-Hway Hkar-Tar Ma Hkan road. I believe they are trying to regain control of all these routes,” the local said.
Locals say the fighting is likely to continue as there are still military junta outposts in areas such as Lone Ton and Nant Mon.

The KIA had already taken control of routes to Hpakant since early 2024, including the Myitkyina – Karmaing road and the Hway Hkar – Tar Ma Hkan road on the border with Sagaing region. The current offensive appears to be an attempt to control the route coming from Mohnyin Township.

Sent by KNG.


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