Junta ramps up arrests in Ye, under the pretext of guest list inspection

Caption - The junta members conduct checks in Ye Township. (Photo - SAC Telegram)

Under the pretext of checking guest lists, the military council has stepped up inspections and arrests in Ye Township, which is under martial law, in Mon State, said residents.

Since 14 June, the combined junta forces have been checking guest lists in Thirinanda and Anawwar wards in Ye Township and ramdom arrests almost every nigth, residents said.

In recent days, nearly 20 locals, including those who were not registered on the guest list, were arrested. According to residents, most of them were released after paying a bribe.

Residents said that following the military council’s rampant guest list checks, people flock to the administer offices in the downtown wards to register the names of guests, and the military council’s administrative body demands Ks-10,000 per guest.

The military council’s guest list checks are said to be in response to intelligence indicating that combined revolutionary forces are planning attacks on the military council’s battalions, headquarters, and the Myoma police station in Ye Township.

According to sources close to the military council, the military council has instructed to tighten security and gather timely intelligence to prevent combined revolutionary forces from infiltrating, as fighting may intensify at any time in Ye Township where martial law has been declared.

As in Ye Township, under the pretext of security concerns, the military council has intensified arrests and inspections in Kyaikto Township in northern Mon State, where the joint resistance forces are strong.

Since the coup, over 1,000 civilians have been arrested and nearly 270 others killed, according to a report by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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