Nearly 60 locals in Hsihseng remain detained after over a week, says PLNO

Caption – Displaced locals hide in the woods in Hsihseng

Nearly 60 residents of Yae Hpyu village in Hsihseng Township, Shan State, who were arrested by military junta troops over a week ago, have still not been released, according to The Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO).

The junta troops took 59 residents of the village hostage at the village hall on 10 June.

“As far as we know, the residents have not yet been released. We are still trying to find out what situation they are in. At the moment, the military council is forcing those hiding in the forests to return to their homes and threatening not to release those arrested until they all return,” said Khun Rein Yan, spokesman for the PNLO, adding that half of those arrested by the junta are women and their living conditions remain unknown.

Khun Rein Yan also claimed that the military junta is forcing the villagers to return in order to use them as human shields or take them hostage.

“The villages dare not return because the junta troops are still in the village. People all over the country know the nature of this military council. They simply force the locals to return. We are seeing signs that this is just a tactic they use to use the civilians as cover or human shields in case something bad happens to them,” the PNLO spokesperson added.

Also on 6 May, junta troops arrested and interrogated 9 residents of Yae Hpyu village, including women, on suspicion of funding the resistance forces.

Also on 2 June, the Pa-O National Organization (PNO) – a militia operating under the junta – arrested U Gyawt Laung (aka) Phyu Siu (aged 50) from Kayan Lay village in Hsihseng Township and tortured him to death near Pang Taing village.

Sent by Shan News.


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