Phone shutdowns cause information blackout in Shanni area

Photo – Social Media

It has been about a month since Internet and phone lines were cut off in Shanni ethnic areas in the upper part of Sagaing, severely limiting locals’ access to reliable news.

Residents have reported that phone and internet services have been disrupted in Homalin, Phaungpyin, and Pinlebu Townships since the second week of May.

Phone blackouts occurred following the fighting in May between Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA), military council force, militia, People’s Defense Force (PDF) and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in those townships.

In the third week of May, the KIA and PDFs launched an offensive against the SNA’s camp near Payitpharnaing village in Homalin Township. After news emerged of the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA)’s counter-offensive, all communication lines throughout the entire township were severed, locals said.

“All phone lines have been cut off. We have no access to news. We are unable to make calls. Ooredoo SIM is still operational in some areas. The military-owned MEC SIM card and CDMA network remain operational. Locals no longer use those SIM cards,” said a local.

All phone lines have been completely cut off in both Homalin and Phaungpyin. Locals are currently not receiving any updates on fighting and other socio-economic news, the Shanni’s ground reporters said.

“Phone lines are cut off in Homalin. There are frequent clashes in Naung Po Aung,” the field reporter said.

A person who returned from Homalin said, “Phone lines have been cut off in Homalin. Since 2021, phone and internet has been cut off in Pinlebu town. Locals can no longer make calls at the border of Phaungpyin and Homalin.”

All communication lines have been cut off in the Shanni ethnic area, leading to an information blackout. The locals are deprived of their right to information, said a local from Pinlebu.

According to the 2021 census, there are more than 450,000 population in Homanlin, Phaungpyin and Pinleby Townships, where internet and phone lines have been cut off.

Sent by Shanni Voice


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