Most former political prisoners from Loikaw prison require long-term medical care


Former political prisoners said that most of the political prisoners who were released from Loikaw prison in Karenni State are undergoing health checks and many of them are undergoing long-term medical care.

Political prisoners are suffering both mental and physical impairments as a result of human rights violations, including torture, beatings, solitary confinement, and inadequate food provisions.

Political prisoners were denied medical treatment while in prison, despite facing health issues. Consequently, upon release, they must undergo health checks and receive necessary medical care, said officials of the Karenni Political Prisoners Association (KPPA).

“The army provides prisoners with a certain degree of healthcare before they are released. This is a common practice. However, they have to undergo medical checks. Most of people imprisoned for political reasons have to undergo long-term medical care,” said Ko Htar Poe, an official of the KPPA.

Over 200 political prisoners released between 1 February 2021 and 4 June 2024 had undergone health checks, the official of the KPPA.

Political prisoners are subjected to various human rights violations, and they are not entitled to the 4-for-1 (1-year reduction for those sentenced to 4 years) standard, which provides a reduced sentence as in other cases, Ko Htar Poe added.

“Some of them require special treatment for head-related issues. One female prisoner is slated to undergo surgery at the hospital. In our case, prisoners have been diagnosed with heart conditions, necessitating internal treatments,” he explained.

According to KPPA’s records, one of the six inmates who were released from Loikaw prison on 4 June was a female political prisoner.

Furthermore, there are nearly 200 political prisoners still incarcerated in Loikaw prison. Former political prisoners have reported that these individuals are being denied visits and are subjected to ongoing human rights abuses on a daily basis.

Sent by NMG


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