Fierce fighting continues in Momauk and Mansi, more junta camps seized

Caption – KIA and allied PDF forces on a frontline

Fierce fighting reportedly continues between military junta troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied resistance forces in the towns of Momauk and Mansi in Bhamo District, Kachin state.

The joint forces currently control the downtown parts and are trying to capture the remaining positions of the military council.

As part of the urban battle in Momauk, the KIA and its allies cleared the junta troops taking positions in the downtown wards on 8 May. According to a KIA frontline source, the joint forces are currently engaged in fighting with the remaining junta troops of the Light Infantry Battalion 437 inside the town.

“We have cleared almost all the junta troops stationed in Momauk. The fighting has not stopped just because some junta troops holed up at LIB 437. This morning (9 May), there are still clashes in the sugarcane plantation area,” the frontline source said.

The junta troops had taken positions in some civilian houses, schools and monasteries with heavy weapons since April, prompting the KIA and allied forces to clear them, the source added.

The aim of the fighting, which has been going on for three days, is reportedly to flush out the remaining junta troops at LIB 437 in the town.

In the fighting in Mansi town, the KIA also captured Walawng La, – a key junta guard outpost, and cleared the entire camp on the morning of 9 May, the KIA frontline source.

“We have captured the main Walawng La guard post on the hill just outside Mansi. We are conducting clearance there this morning (9 May). The KIA has not yet attacked the key junta positions like LIB 601 and LIB 319,” the source said.

In response to the KIA’s attack on the Walawng La outpost, the military junta came and bombed with two planes, the source said.

During the major urban fighting in Momauk and Mansi in Kachin State, some civilian houses were damaged or destroyed while residents were trapped, according to local sources.

It remains difficult to get detailed information about the situation on the ground as the junta has cut telephone and internet lines in the area.

The ongoing urban fighting has shifted to the town of Bhamo and extends to within four miles. Therefore, the remaining civilians in Bhamo have started to flee by all possible means since 9 May, a Bhamo resident said.

“The junta is constantly firing heavy artillery at the town where the fighting is taking place. The clashes have now taken place just four miles away from Bhamo. We locals can’t even meet. Everyone is fleeing through the jungle routes,” he said.

Junta troops stationed in Bhamo have been providing continuous artillery support towards Momauk and Mansi for about a week, according to Bhamo residents.

Sent by KNG.


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