IDPs in Dawei’s Ashaetaw area unable to return home

Caption - Some IDPs in Asahetaw area in Dawei.

Locals from some villages near Myitta sub-township in Ashaetaw area in Dawei Township, are still unable to return home after being displaced for more than two months.

Since 17 February, the junta’s ground, air and naval offensives and the battles have displaced more than 7,000 people from 12 villages including Myitta, Myaukmaetaung, Kahtaungni, Pyinthartaw, Wakone, Taungthonelone and Shwechaung villages.

The IDPs from three villages have returned home. More than half of them remain displaced.

A local from Kyaukmaetaung village said: “No one has not returned to the village. They have no jobs and have taken refuge in the monasteries and the relatives’ houses. Some have fled to the Thai-Myanmar border. The army is patrolling the area. No one dares to return to the village as the Armed forces are active, and there are no ground battles.”

Locals from Myitta, Taungthonelone, Shwechaung and Kyaukmaetaung villages have been fleeing the war for more than two months, said a local from Kyaukmaetaung village.

The displaced villagers want to return home as soon as possible as they are facing food and shelter difficulties.

In addition, the thieves are breaking into the empty houses, said a local from Shwechaung village.

Currently, the military council’s column and the joint PDFs are active near the village.

More than half of over 7,000 IDPs in Ashaetaw area, who fled from 17 February to 21 April, are unable to return home, said a person helping the IDPs.
According to the survey by FE5 Tanintharyi in Tanintharyi Region, the total number of IDPs in Tanintharyi Region exceeded 50,0000 as of January this year.

Sent by NMG


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