KIA takes complete control of junta’s Sezin camp

Caption - Members of the KIA on the front line. (Old photo)

Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and joint forces took complete control of Battalion-116 in Sezin village on the border between Sagaing Region and Kachin State on the 4th day of the offensive.

On 20 April, the KIA and joint force stormed Battalion-116 stationed in Sezin village. At around 11 pm on 23 April, the military council soldiers withdrew from the camp, according to a frontline source of the KIA in Sezin.

“At around 11 pm, the junta soldiers ran away in chaos. The camp had a strength of around 80 soldiers. The KIA has cleared the camp,” said the frontline source.

The KIA and joint forces captured the camp as the soldiers withdrew from the camp.

Around 80 members from the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA) and military council were stationed in the camp. Some soldiers managed to escape from the camp and fled to Sagaing, said a frontline source.

Currently, the KIA and joint force is in hot pursuit of some fleeing junta soldiers in Sezin village.

The exact number of casualties on both sides in the Sezin village battle is still unknown.

The KIA and joint forces warned junta soldiers to surrender last March. The joint force attacked it as they did not retreat.

It is a camp on the border between Sagaing Region and Kachin State, and is located on the route from Sagaing to Hpakant. It is a very important camp.

“The Sezin camp is a very important camp for the junta. This is the only one left as Tarmahkan and Kasen Bum camps have been captured. It was recaptured by the KIA and joint forces. Now there are no junta soldiers here. The KIA can perform its work freely,” said a local from Hpakant.

The Sezin camp is located on the same ridges together with Tarmahkan and Kasen Bum camps captured by the KIA in late March. They are also the security camps of Hpakant.

The displaced people from Sezin village have fled to Hopin, Mohnyin, Tarmahkan and Hpakant.

Sent by KNG.


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