Sittwe faces food shortages

Caption - Sittwe market.

The people in downtown Sittwe in Arakan State, which is under the rule of the military council are facing food shortages. The people have to buy one Pyi of rice at a price of up to 10,000 Kyats, and the people are facing hunger, locals said.

Land travel to Sittwe has been blocked. Food is running out as the water route is restricted except for a few vessels of the military council, and

“Four cups of rice are sold for over 5,000 Kyats. They demolish the houses and sell them as they have no food. Yesterday, a huge pile of woods worth of Ks 2-3 million was sold for just Ks-300,000. All the houses in the ward are demolished and woods, sold. They have no job and food,” a local resident said.

The businesspersons buy woods, bamboo and utensils at reduced pirces.

“The businesspersons buy them. The people face a shortage of food. They faced the similiar situation after the storm Mocha. Now they have no food. No one comes to Sittwe for rescue operation. We have to pay Ks over 3,000 for four cups of low-quality rice,Ó the local said.

Since 13 November 2023, the intense fighting between the military council and the AA has been going on for nearly 5 months. In the fighting, the AA has taken control of Pauktaw, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, MraukU, Minbya, Myaebon and Ramree and Paletwa Townships. Now the AA is approaching Sittwe, capital of Arakan State.

A local woman from Sittwe said: ÒI can’t feed my old mother properly. All the people are facing hunger.”

Arakan Army (AA) is carrying out rehabilitation works in some captured townships. The AA has urged the residents of Sittwe to flee to the liberated areas as soon as possible since Sittwe is an area controlled by the military council.

However, thousands of people including daily earners, the elderly, women and children remain trapped in downtown Sittwe due to transportation difficulties, locals said.

According to local residents, daily earners in Sittwe faced hunger as the Mocha storm hit Sittwe on 14 May 2023.

Sent by Narinjara


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