Only a female political prisoner among prisoners released from Dawei prison

Caption - The female political prisoner released from Dawei Prison.

An official of Prison Department said that a female political prisoner is among the 11 prisoners released from Dawei prison on 17 April.

Among those who were freed were the political prisoner Ma Shar Pyae Khin and 10 convicts, the official said.

A prisoner freed soon said: ÒThe prisoners were pardoned and released on the condition that they will have to serve the remaining sentences in addition to that sentence if the prisoners commit the crime again,.”

Political prisoner Ma Shar Pyae Khin was arrested on 20 September 2021. She was sentenced to seven years in prison under Section 52 (a) of the Counter-Terrorsim Law and Section 505 (c) of the Penal Code, a family member said.

Some family members waited in front of the prisons after the military council issued a statement about the release of more than 3,000 prisoners on 17 April (The first day of Myanmar New Year)

Some people close to the prison department said that only a very few people were waiting in front of the prison as the lower number of prisoners were pardoned and released and the weather was hot.

The political prisoners were not included in the list of prisoners freed, an official of Myeik Prison Department.

In addition, 10 male prisoners and three female prisoners were released from Myeik prison.

On the afternoon of 17 April (The first day of Myanmar New Year), the military council released more than 3,300 prisoners from prisons and jails across the country.

Only a few political prisoners were included in the list of more than 9,000 prisoners who were pardoned and released by the military council on 4 January 2024 (Independence Day).

Sent by NMG


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