KIA says armed threats ‘not a good solution’ between ethnic groups

Caption – KIA troops

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has said that military action and armed threats will not lead to a good solution between ethnic groups.

Reports emerged that representatives from the administrative team of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Kutkai Township met with officials from KIA liaison office twice on 10-12 April, telling them to vacate by 15 April.

Commenting on the matter, KIA spokesperson Colonel Naw Bu said, “We are all revolutionary organizations. We need to understand each other and value each other. An approach with military action and armed threats is not something I think will produce good solutions for us ethnic peoples.”

He added that it was just words from junior TNLA officers, not from higher leadership, and that the two armed groups had met and settled the issue.

“From what I’ve heard, everything is resolved. It was not from the TNLA leadership, just junior officers. But after meeting and discussing, everything is settled,” said KIA spokesperson Gen. N’Ban La.

Similarly on 15 April, the TNLA troops also told a military camp of the KIA and allied People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) in Baw Twin, Namtu Township to relocate, but ground updates were not available yet, Colonel Naw Bu said.

“If they can’t control the situation, problems could arise. With each armed ethnic group, it brings the risk of ethnic conflict breaking out. So, to prevent this, I urge our people to help control the situation,” said a local woman from Kutkai.

In addition, the TNLA information officer has told the media that if the KIA wants to open an office in Kutkai, they need to officially request permission from the TNLA headquarters.

When asked about this, the TNLA information officer just said, “We don’t need to say much more about this issue. It is as we said. The higher authorities have already clarified this. There is no need to say more.”

The TNLA information officer told Kachin News Group (KNG) that the reason for restricting various armed groups in uniforms moving around in Kutkai town, which is under their control during Operation 1027, is to avoid causing public fear and inviting danger.

In mid-March, there was also an armed clash between the TNLA and KIA troops at a KIA checkpoint between Mantong and Namkham Townships, according to locals.

The TNLA controlled Kutkai town after the Kutkai-based strategic base surrendered weapons to the TNLA on 7 January.

The KIA downed a fighter jet as the ethnic army troops attacked the junta’s Infantry Battalion 123 based in Nam Hpat Kar village in Kutkai, and took complete control of the junta’s battalion on 24 January.

While the TNLA and military junta have a temporary ceasefire in northern Shan State under the Haigeng Agreement, there have been military frictions between member groups of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC) led by the United Wa State Party/United Wa State Army (UWSP/UWSA), according to military analysts.

Sent by Shan News.


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