“The public will question the NUG again just as we questioned the terrorist military during the demonstrations in the city that “who dares to stand against the public” if the NUG turns a blind eye to the public’s faithful participation in the revolution.” Ko Myo Thura (GSC)

Caption - Ko Myo Thura from the General Strike Committee (GSC).

An interview with Ko Myo Thura from the General Strike Committee about its report to all ethnic people and the public.

The GSC released its report to the public about the latest developments in the National Unity Consultaive Council (NUCC) following the 2nd People’s Assembly organized in April.

The report includes the proposals submitted by the GSC to be approved at the 2nd People’s Assembly, the motions that were seconded and discussed, the proposals presented and discussed at the 1st People’s Assembly, the latest developments within the NUCC, absences, difficulties and recommendations.

The Shanni Voice interviewed Ko Myo Thura from the GSC about the report.

Q: After the second People’s Assembly, a report on the developments within the NUCC was released. First, explain why this report is published.

A: There are two main reasons for publishing this report. We assume that the public who mainly fund the revolution and are facing the daily plights, have the rights to know which matters were discussed and which proposals were submitted at the NUCC’s assembly. In three years, the public has not properly known the fact about the NUCC. They have known that the NUCC’s tasks don’t work. Our GSC has to report to the public as the public does not know why and how it does not work. This is because the public has the right to know the current situation of the NUCC, which is said to represent the public.

Q: What are the main contents included in this report?

A: It inlcudes the facts that the public needs to know. The report is divided into 5 parts. The first is the GSC’s stance on the NUCC. The second is the discussions made by the GSC during the NUCC’s 1st and 2nd Assemblies. The third is developments during the 3-year-tenure of the NUCC. The fourth is the challenges being faced within the NUCC. The GSC’s recommendations to help the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) overcome the current difficulties and challenges. I would like to say that rather than what content is included, all of the content is an important message for the public and the revolutionary forces.

Q: According to the report, the GSC submitted four proposals at the 2nd People’s Assembly. Were these 4 proposals successful?

A: One of four proposals submitted by the GSC is that the revolutionary forces should work together and strategically and swiftly deal with the terrorist military council’s conscription law. The GSC was able to discuss the proposal to hold the NUCC’s People’s Assembly every six months. It was put on record.

Although not all of the proposals were successful, to a large extent they were effectively discussed at the assembly.

Photo – GSC (Old photo)

Q: How feasible is the proposal to reform the NUG and revoke responsibilities by 16 October?

A: It’s a suitable proposal rather than how feasible it is. In addition, the NUG does not have the authority to deny it. This is a proposal discussed by many representatives during the second People’s Assembly. This shows is to what extent the public pay attention to the National Unity Government (NUG).

The public will question the NUG again just as we questioned the terrorist military group during the demonstrations in the city that “who dares to stand against the public” if the NUG turns a blind eye to the public’s faithful participation in the revolution. In addition, on behalf of the public, our representatives who attended the assembly discussed the fact that the NUG and the NUCC should be reviewed.

Q: A proposal to change from Full Consensus (FC) to Sufficient Consensus (SC) was submitted at the NUCC’s Assembly. What do you mean by Sufficient Consensus? Is there a set percentage?

A: Because of FC (Full Consensus), we are not able to do the work we need to do. Political forces included in the NUCC abused the FC for their interests rather than the interests of revolution and the public. We pointed out that the FC should be amended as they are making decisions based on their interests.

​We can go ahead if a large number of groups agree, rather than the fact that the work can continue only when all of them agree. The opinions of the dissident groups are also put on record. We move forward only by working with consensus. We can go ahead only when there is SC (Sufficient Consensus) within the NUCC.

Q: How does the GSC view the 2nd People’s Assembly of the NUCC?

A: The GSC is satisfied with the successful completion of 2nd People’s Assembly of the NUCC. In addition, the competition within the NUCC is considered good as the public themselves witnessed it at the press conference held after the assembly.

Q: Are you satisfied with the performance of the NUCC?

A: We are not satisfied with it. For this reason, the GSC, as a NUCC member organization, would like to apologize for not being able to make effective calls within the NUCC. I would like to say that we shall serve the interests of the public more.
Sent by Shanni Voice.


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