MraukU IDPs face threat of famine

Photo - DMG

The IDPs displaced by the war in 2019 and are taking shelter in IDP camps in MraukU Township of Arakan State are facing the threat of famine due to a shortage of food.

During the current war, the IDPs said they may face famine in the near future as there is a complete lack of aid from NGOs, INGOs and social organizations.

Daw Hla Aye Soe from Myatansaung IDP camp in MraukU said: “There is no support at all. We have no jobs even if we go outside the camp to find jobs. We have to sell our belongings and borrow money for our daily survivals. If this continues, we could face famine soon.”

The IDPs are facing severe food shortages as international humanitarian organizations have been restricted by the military council.

In the past, the WFP provided aid for IDPs every month.

A displaced man from Sin Baw Kaing IDP camp said: “It has been over three months we did not receive aid from the World Food Programme (WFP). I heard only the IDPs from downtown area receive aid. The IDPs from the rurual areas no longer receive aid. We don’t receive aid from other organizations.”

Local social organizations also face challenges in providing aid to the IDPs. They are facing difficulties such as the lack of gathering and fund-raising, being unbale to connect with international organizations during wartime.

There are 28 IDP camps in MraukU Township—13 in downtown MraukU and the rest in the rural areas. They have been taking shelter there since the fighting between the military council and the AA erupted in 2019.

Those from the IDP camps in downtown MraukU are also fleeing to the rural areas due to the battles to capture towns. They said that they face more difficulties in the hot summer.

U Soe Naing, the official of Tain Nyo IDP camp in MraukU said: “We are concerned about the health of children and elderly as temperature is very high. We are prepared for emergency health issues for the people in the camp.”

The IDPs in Arakan State are facing a shortage of drinking water as the hottest season has set in. According to the report from the United Nations, there is an urgent need to provide shelter for the IDPs before the storm season.

Currently, the IDPs are in urgent need of food, shelter, medicine and drinking water.

Sent by Aung Htein


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