Nearly 240 civilians arrested in Tanintharyi Region in February

Photo – Social Media

The military council arrested nearly 240 civilians in late February in Tanintharyi Region, citing various reasons, according to a statement by FE5 Tanintharyi, a local research group.

The military council arrested 235 in total— 222 in Dawei, Thayetchaung, Launglon and Yebyu Townships, seven in Myeik Township and six in Kawthoung Township, the statement says.

The military council arrested locals as human shields when they advanced the villages. They were taken along by the army. There are reports that some female teachers who have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) were arrested and died.

The military council has released 206 of 235 detainees and filed cases against the remaining 29 under various sections, the statement continues.

In February, eight civilians were killed by the military council’s violence, explosion of landmines, airstrikes and artillery shelling in Tanintharyi Region, the statement says.

In addition, Tanintharyi Region faces a labour shortage as youths are joining revolutionary forces and leaving for other countries after the activation of the People’s Military Service Law.

In February, more than 48,800 people fled their homes in Tanintharyi, where the fighting intensified, according to the FE5 Tanintharyi’s report.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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