Some IDPs wounded by Hpasawng airstrike


Some locals were wounded as the military council carried out an attack on a monastery in Hpasawng Township of Karenni State, said U Banyar, Secretary-2 of the Interim Executive Council of Karenni State (IEC).

Fighting is taking place in Hpasawng of Karenni State. The military council carried out an airstrike with a 500-lb bomb. The shrapnel hit Kwatthit monastery and wounded the IDPs.

On the afternoon of 3 March, the military council carried out aerial bombardments on Kwatthit monastery where more than 30 locals were taking shelter. Aerial bombardments resulted in civilian casualties. The exact number of casualties is still unknown due to communication difficulties, U Banyar said.

“I know the rough estimate. However, it is not certain. I heard that a person died on the spot. I don’t know whether some wounded died or not as many people were wounded in the attack. I also heard that four or five people died,” said U Banyar.

A local man from Hpasawng said: “I think around 30 locals are taking refuge in the monastery. According to the latest development, some locals were wounded. I don’t know the exact number of deaths. The report that the IDPs were wounded is sure,” he said.

On 3 March alone, the military council’s aerial bombardments and heavy shelling on Kwatthit monastery, hospital compound and staff quarter resulted in heavy destruction, the local man continued.

“The military fired heavy shells and dropped a 500-ton bomb. The attacks severely destroyed the four-storied staff housing,” he said.

The Kantarawaddy Times (KT) is still trying to get detailed information about civilian casualties and the damage.

Fighting continues in Hpasawng Township. Locals have fled to safer places and are in urgent need of ration and utensils, the IDPs said.

Since 29 February, the fighting has erupted between the revolutionary forces and the military council force in Hpasawng in Karenni State.

Many houses in downtown wards were burned down by the military council’s aerial bombardments, according to local residents.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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