KIA seizes Wekha camp in Hpakant

Caption- Wekha military hilltop camp seized by KIA.

Kachin Independence Army (KIA) successfully took control of the military council’s Wekha camp in Hpakant Township of Kachin State on 20 January after a 2-week offensive, according to sources close to the KIA.

A Hpakant resident close to the KIA said: “The KIA seized control of the camp. The KIA is torching the tants in the camp. The capture of the camp was at around 7 and 8 am. The soldiers in the camp have run away. Some soldiers get arrested. Shootings are still going on.”

On 6 January, the KIA launched an attack on the camp where around 60 to 70 military council soldiers were stationed. On 20 January, the KIA seized control of the entire camp and then burned it down.

The local resident added that a major and some privates ran away. Until now, shootings are still going on in the camp, and heavy weapons are still being fired from the military council’s Hpakant strategic hill.

On 6 January, the KIA only captured a police station. At least 15 clashes occurred during the two weeks of military tension, he said.

In order to maintain the control of Wekha camp, the military council carried out aerial bombardments almost every day. 19 January alone saw at least 10 aerial bombardments, according to local residents.

A local from Hpakant said: “I think fighting may intensify. Because the seized camp is an important frontline camp in Hpakant. The army will try again to recapture the camp.”

Local residents say that the Wekha military council camp is a main route that connects Hpakant and Indaw and is also an important military camp of the military council.

Currently, as the KIA is clearing the area around the camp, it is still difficult to know the details of the arrests and casualties.

Since the beginning of January, the KIA simultaneously attacked the military council’s camps in Hpakant, as well as the Wekha camp and the Namtain camp on the Hpakant road section, according to local residents.

Sent by KNG.


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