Resistance raid on junta outpost at Matupi entrance leaves seven dead, including captain

Caption - Chinland Defense Force members who attacked the Myanmar Army’s Kar Kin Kone outpost.

Seven Myanmar Army soldiers, including a captain, were killed in a resistance raid on the military outpost at the entrance of Matupi, Chin State, which is expected to lead to the ultimate capture of the town, according to the Chinland Defense Force-Matupi spokesman.

The CDF-Mautpi carried out the pre-emptive attack on the military council outpost at the entrance of the town on the Mindat-Matupi road at around 9 am on 1 December, he said.

“We raided their camp. Our aim was to capture the camp completely after the raid. But we found out that they had a larger force than us. We exchanged fire as best we could. But since there might be more of them in the camp, we decided to withdraw,” the spokesman said.

During the battle, seven junta soldiers, including Captain Phyo Min Htet, were killed and two MA-3s and five MA-5s were seized.

Although the exact number of injured soldiers on their side is not known, three ambulances were spotted heading to the scene and the CDF-Matupi fighters were able to retreat unharmed, the CDF-Matupi spokesman said.

Before the military coup, the Kar Kin Kone outpost was just a gateway to the town, but after the coup it was turned into a military checkpoint that controls residents and vehicles entering and leaving the town and demands money.

“We started this because we aim to intensify the fighting. Now the fighting will only increase. We will mainly carry out offensives to capture military bases and outposts,” said the spokesman for the CDF-Matupi.

The CDF-Matupi spokesperson also warned the residents of Matupi and the residents of the township to remain vigilant about the military situation.

On 1 December, CDF-Matupi made a final call to members of the Myanmar Army and police to defect the people’s side.

Sent by KMG.


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