Junta closes off streets, searches houses after shootout in Ye

Caption – A column of the People’s Defense Forces

Myanmar Army troops carried out a blockade and search after exchanging gunfire with members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) in Ye, Mon State, locals report.

The firefight between the two sides occurred when the military council soldiers came and shot at two PDF members who were sitting at a cold drink stand on the 13th Street in Ye at around 1:30pm on 23 November.

“The two came on a motorcycle after gathering information in the area. They were drinking cold drinks in the store. Immediately afterwards, the junta soldiers came and shot at them. One of them was hit in the arm and it was covered in blood. They shot back and hit three of the soldiers. The PDF soldiers retreated after the firefight,” said a Ye resident.

After the PDF members retreated following the shooting, which lasted only a few minutes, at least 30 military council soldiers arrived at the scene, the resident added.

The military council soldiers then sealed off the streets and roads and conducted a house search in the neighborhood, the resident said.

“After the shootout, three vehicles arrived. They searched house after house. When they entered a house, they closed the door. No one was allowed to leave. They also sealed off the streets,” said another resident of Ye.

According to eyewitnesses, three junta soldiers were wounded in the shootout and one PDF soldier was hit in the arm.

The injured junta soldiers were taken to Ye District Hospital by a social welfare group.

In Ye, which is under martial law by the military council, clashes and exchanges of fire between the military council and local resistance groups continue to occur.

Sent by IMNA.


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