“We cleared the area and removed landmines for their safety. We are currently in talks with local groups so that we can soon establish a stable administration.” – Salai Htet Ni (Spokesperson, CNF/CNA)


An interview with Salai Htet Ni, spokesperson for the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA)

Combined Chin defense forces have captured all two the Myanmar Army outposts on the India-Myanmar border in Rikhawdar in Falam Township, Chin State, taking control of the entire border town. The Chin defense forces led by the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) took complete control of the strategically important border town of Rikhawdar on 13 November.

Chin defense forces are reportedly now planning to start people’s administrative functions in Rikhawdar. KMG interviewed CNF/CNA spokesperson Salai Htet Ni to find out more about the situation.

Q: Can you first explain why the battle for Rikhawdar was launched?

A: Rikhawdar is located on the border trade route No. 2 between India and Myanmar. The town controls the trade route. Today, the aim of our revolution is to crush the military council. So we have to (attack) all sources of their support, such as the trade, economic, diplomatic sectors, in addition to the military sector. This is our goal – to overthrow the military council. We are doing this from all sides to eliminate its functions. In this regard, this town plays an important role. That is why Rikhawdar was our first target for the seizure. There was also a request from the people. We received information about tax collection and drug trafficking in the area. This is one of the reasons why we seized Rikhawdar.

Q: Have you started people’s administration in Rikhawdar? What are your plans?

A: Our first priority was to allow the people who fled the town to return safely. After all the residents have returned, we cleared the area and cleared landmines for their safety. We are currently in talks with local groups so that we can soon establish a stable administration.

Q: Who will form the people’s administration in Rikhawdar? Which groups will work together?

A: It will be formed mainly by the CNF/CNA and the CDF-Hualngoram, a local defense force, with the participation of the local people.

Q: What kind of administration will there be?

A: Our administration model will be in line with the geography, customs and traditions of Chin State. We will opt for the administration model that suits the region.

Q: Does the military council have a chance of recapturing Rikhawdar or coming back with an offensive?

A: That will depend on its strength. I assume that their troop strength on the ground has decreased considerably. So the possibility of an attack will depend on them. We will defend ourselves on the ground as best we can.

Q: As mentioned earlier, Rikhawdar is of strategic importance for border trade between the two countries. Is the border trade now allowed under the control of the Chin defense forces? What plans do you have for trade?

A: We have kept the border route open with caution. We won’t close it. We’re keeping it open, and people can come and go within certain hours and under certain conditions. But since the administration is not stable yet, we have to monitor it for now for security reasons.

Q: Is the movement of goods across the border continuing normally for traders and business people? Or has it not been interrupted?

A: It has not been interrupted. The route is open from our side. But the military council has imposed a ban on trucks from Kalay. That is what is happening on their side. On our side, we are keeping the route open for the normal movement of goods so that people can earn a living.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: In cooperation with the locals, we will develop the administration in Rikhawdar as much as possible, from security to road safety. To do this, we need a lot of advice from the people and experts. We will implement them step by step. We will also work with the Indian government to ensure that border trade continues as normal.

Sent by KMG.


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