“Please don’t neglect the displaced people in our Sagaing Region. Please help them. As the junta columns raid villages every day, people are displaced every day. Among them are elderly people and children who are really suffering. So I would like to urge you to support the Sagaing Region.” – A local information collector in Ayadaw Township, Sagaing Region

Caption – An outpost of the PDF-Ayadaw was raided.

An interview with a local resident who is gathering information about the situation on the ground in Ayadaw Township

On 16 October, three members of the People’s Defense Force – Ayadaw, including a female police member, were killed when their outpost near Aungtharkone village in the western part of Ayadaw Township, Sagaing Region, was raided.

Local defense forces have warned the public not to use the Ayadaw-Kyaukkar-Monwya road section due to ongoing operations by the Myanmar army in the area.

To learn more about the situation, Shanni Voice interviewed Ko Toe Gyi (pseudonym), a local resident who is gathering information about the situation in the township.

Q: We heard that a PDF outpost in Madaya Township was raided. Which outpost was it and how was it raided?

A: The outpost that was raided belongs to Company (4) of the PDF Battalion – Monywa District. The junta troops wearing civilian clothes entered the post at around 5 am. The resistance fighters opened fire after asking who they were and they did not respond. Three PDF members were killed in the ensuing shootout.

Q: How did the PDF members fall?

A: During the shootout, those who could run fast enough were able to escape. The three who couldn’t escape from the outpost were captured. We heard that they were tortured for a long time until they died with their heads bashed. Among them was a female comrade. Two of them were about 19-20 years old.

Q: How many soldiers were part of the military column that raided the outpost? Were there any other losses?

A: Their troop strength was about 70 men. After the raid, they burned down two sleeping quarters. They also took other equipment from the outpost. Their propaganda says they captured some weapons and ammunition.

Q: Is the Myanmar army still active in the Ayadaw area?

A: They have left the outpost they raided and are now rampaging in other villages. They also looted houses in Wartan and Segyitaw villages. All residents of most villages have fled their homes. They also arrested about 20 people as human shields. Among those arrested were some villagers from Wartan. However, they were released on 17 October. They again arrested 30 villagers from Wartan and took away anyone who was on their route. The junta column is still present in the area.

Q: How many local residents have been forced to flee as a result of the military’s continued advance?

A: About 3,000 people from Kyunhpopin, Waryaung, Aungtharkone, Kyaukpyauk and Wartan villages have fled. They are fleeing as the Myanmar army continues to raid villages on a daily basis.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: Please don’t neglect the displaced people in our Sagaing Region. Please help them. As the junta columns raid villages every day, people are displaced every day. Among them are elderly people and children who are really suffering. So I would like to urge you to support the Sagaing Region.

Sent by Shanni Voice


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