“The military council carried out the targeted attack on innocent civilians instead of the enemy target. All the public get embittered due to the military council’s mass killings. The public will not be satisfied with the actions of the military council.” Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of KIO/KIA

Caption-The bodies of those killed in the attack on Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp in Laiza.

An interview with Colonel Naw Bu, spokesperson of the Kachin Independence Organization/ Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA) about the attack on IDP camp in Laiza.

The military council attacked Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp in Laiza, the headquarters of the KIO/KIA, with the weapon of mass destruction. It killed 29 people including children, the KIO/KIA said.

At around 11:30 pm on 9 October, the military council carried out the attack on the IDP camp. It killed 29 people and wounded 57 others, Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of the KIO/KIA said.

Network Media Group (NMG) interviewed Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of the KIO/KIA about whether the military council carried out attack the IDP camp with heavy weapon or by the flight, the latest situation of the IDPs of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp and the detail situation of the incident.

Q: The military council fired heavy shells at the IDP camp. Tell me about that situation.

A: It occurred at around 11:30 pm yesterday. They (military council) attacked the camp with heavy shells. The military council fired heavy shells by planes and drones. The military council always uses 120 mm and 105 mm cannons. However, there were no battles on the ground at the time of the incident. This is a one-sided attack on the IDP camp.

Q: Is it shot by plane and drones or with heavy weapons? With which weapons did the military council attack it?

A: It is an airstrike. However, we did not hear the sounds of planes. It’s possible that we didn’t hear it because it was sleeping time.

Q: Did the heavy shell fall directly on the IDP camp? If not, did it hit other places?

A: The heavy bomb landed on the IDP camp. It landed at the center of the IDP camp. We have a field like the football ground. Then, the surrounding areas were hit.

Q: What are the number of casualties till now?

A: Twenty-nine people have been killed and 57 others wounded so far. The total number of casualties is 86. I don’t know whether more victims can be found. This is the latest figure.

Q: According to the news, among those killed in the attack are children. How many people were killed and wounded in the incident?

A: The number of under-age children killed in the attack is 11. Among the wounded are children. We have not received the exact figures yet.

Q: In addition to the civilian casualties, how many buildings were damaged?

A: All the buildings near the incident were destroyed. The inspection team will compile the number of damaged buildings. At present, we don’t receive the number of damaged buildings. However, all the buildings around the IDP camp have been destroyed.

Q: Where are the refugees staying now? Where do you move them?

A: At present, they are taking shelter at the houses of their relatives in Laiza. We have evacuated them to another place.

Q: At present, do you arrange the accommodation for them?

A: We have taken responsibility for them.

Q: What are the concerns of the KIO/KIA and the local civilians in Laiza over the attack on civilian targets? Now it happened near Laiza.

A: All the people are in a state of panic and fear. Another thing is the military council carried out the targeted attack on the innocent civilians instead of the enemy target. All the public get embittered due to the military council’s mass killings. The public will not be satisfied with the actions of the military council. The public gets embittered.

Q: In the same month last year, there was a similar incident in A Nang Pa. Now, a similar incident happened at Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp. What would KIO/KIA request to the international community regarding this ongoing situation?

A: The main thing is that all these mass killings of the people are committed by the military dictator. It is a genocide. These acts are war crimes. So, we would like to call on the international community to take action against the junta.

Q: The similar attacks continue in Kachin State, Sagaing Region, Karen State, Chin State and Karenni State. The international community fails to take effective action against these attacks. On the other hand, there are demands for a no-fly zone. What would you like to say about the inaction of the international community?

A: I think the international community is required to have a keen interest in Myanmar affairs. The military council always kills and tortures Myanmar people. I would like to say that all international organizations are required to have keen interest in and make in-depth investigation into and action against it.

Sent by NMG.


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