Junta troops positioned on Naw Buu Baw Prayer Mountain in Thandaunggyi

Caption – Myanmar army troops are positioned on Naw Buu Baw Prayer Mountain (Photo-CJ)

Myanmar army troops equipped with heavy and light weapons have been stationed on Naw Buu Baw Prayer Mountain in Thandaunggyi Township, Karen State, since 7 October, according to local residents.

The junta troops from Bayintnaung military base in Thandaunggyi had positioned themselves on the mountain with heavy weapons on orders from above, said a local resident.

“They said it was done on orders, but they haven’t come down yet. They also carried heavy weapons up the mountain. I don’t know if they plan to fire or not. I don’t think much will happen unless someone provokes them. The priests have also called on the army not to take positions in the town center. So I think they are on the prayer mountain now. They have no other way to go there,” she said.

Some residents said they no longer dare visit the mountain because of the military presence.

“Since the military coup, only a handful of visitors from Taungoo or Yangon have visited the site. Since troops are stationed there, no one dares to go up anymore. There is a prayer hall and a visitors’ lounge on the mountain. So they might have stayed there,” said a local on condition of anonymity.

Naw Buu Baw is located about 30 miles from Taungoo, in an area controlled by the Karen National Union’s (KNU) Brigade 2. It is a famous prayer mountain that attracts visitors of various religions from home and abroad for its natural beauty and views of a sea of clouds.

Located 4,000 feet above sea level, Naw Buu Baw Prayer Mountain with its 500-foot steps is a landmark of Thandaunggyi. Before the military coup, it was a popular tourist attraction.

After the coup, visitor numbers declined due to sporadic clashes in the area. There were also some minor explosions in the town, according to locals.

In November 2022, combined forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) attacked the Bayintnaung army base in the old town of Thandaunggyi, resulting in casualties. In retaliation, the military shelled the area indiscriminately with heavy and light weapons, forcing residents to flee.

Since then, troops from the base have not only shelled areas around the town where clashes had occurred, but also frequently fired artillery at places they suspect, residents said.

Sent by KIC.


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