“We’re living in constant fear. We can’t work and eat freely like before. As for me, I’ve no connections with these groups. But if someone informs on you out of personal dislike, you can get arrested even if you’re innocent.” – A local man from Mogaung

Caption – Junta soldiers arrest Mogaung residents of on suspicion of links to People's Defense Forces (PDF)

An interview with a local man from Mogaung regarding the current situation in Mogaung in relation to the ongoing arrests of residents by the military council on suspicion of links to the PDF

In Mogaung, military junta soldiers have repeatedly arrested residents for alleged links to the People’s Defense Forces and tortured them during military interrogations, even to the point of death.

On 19 August, junta soldiers tightened security and arrested about 100 residents suspected of having links to the PDF after a military vehicle sent to pick up students from Basic Education High School (1) was fired upon, according to Mogaung residents.

Among the Mogaung residents arrested by the military junta, two residents, Daw Khin Mar Shwe and U Wa Baw Tan Gwan, died after being tortured during military interrogations. To better understand the current situation in Mogaung, this interview was conducted with a local resident of Mogaung.

Q: Why did the military council arrest locals in Mogaung?

A: There are a couple of reasons. One of the reasons is the transfer of the head of regional operations command. At the regional level, the commander of the northern military region was also changed. The shooting of two junta soldiers aboard the military vehicle at BEHS 1 was the last cleanup of military informants in our town. Since then, there have been numerous arrests.

Q: Can you tell us about the military vehicle being shot at BEHS 1?

A: The incident occurred on 19 August near the east gate of BEHS 1. They belonged to Infantry Battalion 74. PDF members killed the driver and another on board when the school bus arrived just before the classes are over. They also took weapons with them.

Q: What was the situation with the arrests after the school car shooting?

A: They started arresting people that very night. As far as I remember, they arrested five people that night and the next morning. They have done people checks and ambush patrols in the town. They have targeted young people, especially men. They have arrested young men and checked their phones. As far as I know, they have arrested more than 70 people now. Some say that the number of people arrested on the ground is now over 100. But as far as I know, it is over 70.

Q: What kind of people have they mainly arrested?

A: They have arrested mainly young people. They have arrested them based on tips from informants. When they are arrested, they are not even questioned thoroughly. They are just arbitrary arrests. They arrested them because they were suspected of having links to the defense forces. But as far as I know, they have no links to the defense forces. They even arrested residents in the market.

Frankly, there were donations to the defense forces. Even if they can’t afford money, for example, they donate other things like onions, gourds, and eggplants. They even question for such small donations. Some people have been arrested based on confessions from their family members. They arrest anyone who is connected to the defense forces.

Q: How many locals were arrested and died in custody, and how did they die?

A: Two people died – U Wa Baw Tan Gwan and Daw Khin Mar Shwe. U Wa Baw Tan Gwan died after being arrested and interrogated by IB -74. They only informed his family of his death and gave them 500,000 kyats.

Daw Khin Mar Shwe was first interrogated by the military and then returned to the Mogaung police station. She was summoned again for interrogation and died during this interrogation. We don’t know badly she was tortured. As far as I know, she died at the Mogaung police station. Her family was told that she was cremated in Natkyigon Ward near the police station, but they didn’t get her body.

Q: Have any of the detainees been released?

A: As far as I know, about 10 people were released. Mainly young women who were arrested and tortured severely, with their hands and heads tied. Most of them were arrested and tortured in this way.

Q: Where are the detainees being held?

A: As far as I know, there are about three locations. Some are being held at the IB-74 in Mogaung, and some have been taken to Northern Command in Mandalay. We don’t know exactly who is being held where.

Q: Can you also describe the current situation of Mogaung residents?

A: We’re living in constant fear. We can’t work and eat freely like before. As for me, I’ve no connections with these groups. But if someone informs on you out of personal dislike, you can get arrested even if you’re innocent. Nobody goes out after 7 pm. But it’s not safe to stay at home either. That’s life in the town right now.

Q: What would you like to say about the ongoing arrests by the military junta in Mogaung?

A: Whoever commits a crime should be charged, tried and punished if found guilty. This is how it should be. Extrajudicial killings after interrogation and torture like now are unacceptable. These deaths mean nothing to them. Every life lost is priceless. We absolutely can’t accept the current situation.

Sent by KNG.


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