Voices of resistance fighters on the front line in Karenni (Kayah) State where armed conflict continues to intensify

Caption – Resistance fighters on front line in Karenni State

Voices of resistance fighters on the front line in Karenni (Kayah) State where armed conflict continues to intensify

In Karenni State, where the armed conflict rages on with both the Myanmar army and revolutionary forces enduring significant losses, this vox pop captures the thoughts and hopes of young resistance fighters as they reflect on the post-revolution era.

Aung Nge

In revolutionary times, weapons and ammunition are essential. We’ve lost many battles because of the lack of weapons and ammo. Also, our fighters got injured and some have died because we didn’t have medicines to treat them. I urge the people to continue to support us so that we don’t end up in such a situation again.

A resistance soldier

I’ve seen my fellow fighters fall right before my eyes in battles. We tried to help, got hurt ourselves. We must not afraid of that, because we must defend, we must protect our state. If we don’t defend, who will come and fight for our state, our future? We can’t give up. We’re determined to fight even harder.

Lar Oo

Sometimes trudging through the rain and mud, I think to myself how different things are than they used to be. I didn’t know I was capable of this much. But I’m happy, I don’t regret this work. It strengthens my spirit, and I’m also fighting so my younger brothers and sisters don’t have to live under military boots, for their future. Sometimes I’m elated, I dance and sing. Other times, in those difficult moments, tears well up.

Khu Reh

Losing our fighters hurts as much as losing a family member. The suffering is immense. They’re our youth, our future hopes – no one can predict what they may achieve. That’s why when we lose a young fighter before they can reach their potential, it’s a great loss. Until this revolution succeeds, I’ll keep on fighting no matter where I am. Even if I get wounded in battle unfortunately, whether it’s in the support unit or in other areas, I will continue to carry out my responsibilities. I will see it through to the end. Why? Because if we don’t finish it in this lifetime, I can’t imagine what it will be like for the future generations. I will fight until the end.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times.


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