“Regarding the inclusion of women in the Spring Revolution, a lot of prominent women leaders and women leaders who are involved in politics have emerged. The military council does not tolerate the inclusion of women in the revolution. The military upholds patriarchy.” Daw Hnin Hnin Hmway, Joint General Secretary of the DPNS

Caption-Daw Hnin Hnin Hmway, Joint General Secretary of the Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS).

An interview with Daw Hnin Hnin Hmway, Joint General Secretary of the DPNS about the role of women in the Spring Revolution.

Following the military coup, women suffer the worst forms of human rights violations such as the military council’s arbitrary arrest, sexual assault and the arrests and killings during military operations. On the other hand, nearly 3,500 women get arrested and oppressed. Women outside the prison are also living in fear.

The Than Lwin Times interviewed Daw Hnin Hnin Hmway, Joint General Secretary of the DPNS about the difficulties faced by women, human rights violations, arbitrary oppression, torture, killing and the inclusion of women in the Spring Revolution following the military coup.

Q: First of all, please tell me about the oppression against women during the tenure of the military council. How are the women who are participating in the Spring Revolution facing more difficulties?

A: Regarding the inclusion of women in the Spring Revolution, a lot of prominent women leaders and women leaders who are involved in politics have emerged. The military council does not tolerate the inclusion of women in the revolution. The military upholds patriarchy. Militarism is also a part of this. Patriarchy is dominant. In my view, they have ideas that women must be really oppressed, not even a second-class place. The junta does not accept such an involvement. Women are oppressed badly citing that they oppose the junta. We also hear that junta soldiers abuse women psychologically and even rape them at the interrogation centers or offensive areas. We have also heard that these kinds of abuses are committed against women due to their physical weaknesses.

Q: Why does the military council target and suppress women like men?

A: The women who are working in the leadership role are not in the hands of the army. It is also found that the army is working on online defamation, making accusations using all kinds of abusive terms and sharing propagandas in different forms. The women from the villages who oppose the junta, were raped and killed by junta soldiers during the offensive operations. Women are brutally burned to death.  In a recent news, a People’s Defense Force (PDF) camp was raided and female comrades were raped. Junta soldiers removed the clothes of women in order to show that the women got raped. The remaining comrades who were killed are burned. The rape victims are not burned. It is found that the military council commits brutal acts against all women regardless of their ranks.

Q: We heard that the National Unity Government (NUG) has sent a complaint to the UN’s Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) about the military’s sexual violence against women. May I know your view to what extent it can perform?

A: Sending the complaint letter is a good idea. I can’t say how much independent investigation can be made. But I would like to add one more thing. It is sad that these days, the victims of sexual assaults are not only women, but also children, LGBT people and men. I assume that this is a very scary issue. It is a good thing that there is a record for victims. However, I believe that there needs to be effective action. We need to adopt the plans on how to penalize the persons and organizations which commit it and how to prevent it.  I assume that it needs to punish the culprits and the organizations in various forms, for the crimes they actually committed. Otherwise, there would have been thousands and tens of thousands of such crimes in our community, especially those committed by the military. However, we could not bring justice at any time. Junta soldiers enjoyed impunity. They are committing this crime over and over again. A dog that bites will bite again if not beaten. The proverb will be rude. But the situation is real. Therefore, I would like to say that we must make an all-out effort to prevent such crimes from happening again.

Q: The military council targets and oppresses women in order to instill fear into them. Did women’s activism really fail? What is the status of women’s movements in the era of the junta?

A: I want to say that their philosophy of targeting and intimidating women is wrong. In practice, it is true that female activists or politicians continue to do their work. How do we protect this pressing issue cautiously? The people around us work together to protect and warn each other. The other point is that I don’t see it failing at all. They continue to do what they have to do. Although the military council is making targeted oppression against women in order to instill fear into them. Women political activists and politicians continue doing their work. I would like to say that they are very careful to prevent such dangers which may cause themselves and their surroundings, and that they continue to do what they have to do.

Q: Can you say that the support by western countries, including the United States, in Myanmar women’s movements regarding the Myanmar issue is really encouraging?

A: Regarding our movement, any support from other countries including the United States is a good thing. Avoiding the merge with the military group and the acts that prolong the life of the military group, is a welcome matter. In my view, they encourage and support our revolution. they are only doing the part they can. We have to do it ourselves for the success of revolution. As foreign aid is only a part of it, we cannot hope for it. I also think that our revolution will achieve success only if we ourselves have to do our work carefully.

Q: To what extent does women’s ability to work and employment opportunities decrease after the military coup? May I know your review?

A: In my view, the situation of our country has reached a fail state after the military coup. Everywhere is going with mismanagement and failed mechanisms. There is no guarantee for anyone. It is found that there are no guarantees either for civil servants or company staff or those who run private businesses. We know the situation by looking at the actual process. Inflation is now much higher than at the beginning of the coup. The economic condition of the country has deteriorated to the point where people have to stand in line for miles in the hot sun to get an edible oil weighing about 50 tickles. We are witnessing whether male or female has no security and safety at worksites.

Q: Finally, what would you like to add?

A: As long as we do not root out this military group in our country, and as long as we do not build the federal democratic union that we want, our lives will be in trouble. Even if we sleep at night, we are worried about when the door will be knocked. Such tragedies and lack of safety will never end. So, I would like to say that all of us, we will be freed from this bad situation only if revolutionary leaders, political groups, political leaders, or the people, work together to root out the military group at this crucial juncture.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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