Military council destroys nearly 200 houses in Yebyu Township

The military column burned a house. (Photo-CJ)

The military council destroyed nearly 200 civilian houses and burned down 17 houses during its offensive operations from 8 to 18 August, in Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region, according to locals and Yebyu Township People’s Defense Force (PDF).

A military column of nearly 200 soldiers conducted offensives in the villages of Yebyu Township via Dawei Deep Sea Port. Military council soldiers raided and destroyed nearly 200 houses and burned down some houses in Ayekani, Khamaukchaung and Wazwantaw villages, according to locals.

The military council destroyed nearly 170 houses and burned down 14 houses in Ayekani village which faced the worst arson, the information officer of Yebyu Township PDF said.

Caption-The military column ransacked a house. (Photo-CJ)

Eight civilians—two females from Wazwantaw, one monk and one man from Ayekani village and four at Yattawmu pagoda junction in Yebyu—were wounded in the military council’s shootings, the information officer continued.

More than 3,000 locals from more than 10 villages including Ayekani, Wazwantaw, Khamaukchaung, Range and Hteingyi villages have fled to safety due to the military council’s offensives. Locals from Ayekani village dare not to return home, locals said.

More than 36,000 locals have fled to safety due to the fighting between the military council forces and local defense force in Tanintharyi Region, in late July, according to local research organizations.

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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