“It’s important that some armed groups like the people’s administrative bodies, the people’s security forces and the PDFs, are not allowed to act unruly and outside the chain of command and gradually act like warlords in their own territories without following anyone’s orders. – Salai Yaw Mann (Spokesperson, People’s Administrative Body – Mindat Township)

Caption – The Chin National Council (Mindat) was established on 6 August

An interview with Salai Yaw Mann, spokesman of the People’s Administrative Body – Mindat Township, on the formation of the Chin National Council (Mindat)

More than two years after the military coup, the Chin National Council (Mindat) was formed on 6 August as the highest local political leadership that will exercise power in the township where armed resistance to the Myanmar military council is very strong.

In this interview with KMG, Salai Yaw Mann, spokesperson for the People’s Administrative Body – Mindat Township, spoke about the goals of the formation of the Chin National Council (Mindat) and its future work plans.

Q – We’ve noticed the announcement on 6 August about the formation of the Chin National Council (Mindat). Who are included in this council and how was it formed?

A – We plan to draft a federal charter. Details on who are included, how it was formed, and how responsibilities will be distributed will be announced in further statements. I just talked about it briefly.

Q – Will this council operate only within Mindat Township? How much jurisdiction will it cover?

A – It will have jurisdiction only within Mindat Township.

Q – What does the council plan to carry out? What are the responsibilities of the council?

A – We have a functioning administration on the ground. When we talk about education, it means education and health. We have well-functioning departments such as rural administration, humanitarian assistance, justice, security, agriculture, livestock, Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) support, and People’s Embrace.
We also have the Chinland Defense Force-Mindat (CDF -Mindat). But resistance without politics does not work. The defense forces cannot decide how to work on federal democracy, how to engage with the National Unity Government (NUG), and how to connect with the state government if it emerges in the future. The People’s Administration Body can’t do that either. Nor can the defense forces and the people’s administration groups do it alone.

So the Chin National Council is a political leadership composed of all groups at home and abroad, such as CDM groups, defense forces, experts living abroad, and diaspora groups that support the revolution to formulate political roadmaps and work on federal democracy affairs. This leadership will formulate policies to implement these matters.

Q – Can you tell us about the challenges and difficulties in forming the Chin National Council (Mindat)?

A – Since late 2021, education, health and CDM have been under the People’s Administrative Body. At that time, CDF -Mindat was the defense department. When political changes occurred, the defense also had to raise its own funds. From then on, defense took over the front line while the people’s administration took care of the rear. Since the end of 2021, we had tried to establish a political wing, but were unsuccessful.

Defense began to focus on a structured system with battalions and training. On the other hand, there were attempts to administer entire townships. Step by step, defense is being improved in accordance with the defense law. It is under the civilian leadership. It is the collective leadership that includes relevant people at home and abroad.

It is important that the armed groups under the civilian leadership, such as the people’s administrative bodies, the people’s security forces and the PDFs, do not act uncontrolled and outside the chain of command and gradually act like warlords in their own territories without following anyone’s orders. We also want to become a council that can direct the guide the defense department politically, administratively, and financially. This council was willingly established by defense leaders, central committee members, and battalions, from 2021, 2022 to 2023.

Before the council was established, the People’s Administrative Body held two or three conferences with rural administrators, department heads and township administration members, and consulted with Mindat Township groups at home and abroad. The council was formed only after much discussion and debate. We had to overcome various challenges and difficulties. The group was established only after almost two years.

Caption – Chin National Council (Mindat) was formed on 6 August

Q – We have also heard that there are efforts to establish a Chinland Council in Chin State. If a Chinland Council is established, how will you work with it?

A – There is the Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) in Chin State. This is the council for the emergence of the Chin State government. It has been in existence since February 2021, but has not been able to implement anything on the ground. During this time, the Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC) has developed a charter for Chin State. The CNA/CNF drafted a charter and tried to establish a government for Chinland. We also discussed it extensively on the ground. We have discussed how to participate, structure, provide leadership, and coordinate with the NUG. In other words, to systematically from top down is difficult for us in this time of revolution. Therefore, we are trying to consolidate step by step, starting with the units at the township level.

Q – Is there anything else you would like to explain about why the council was formed this way?

A – Actually, we are not supposed to think too far ahead here. Our goal is to lead the revolution, political or otherwise. The top priority is the overthrow of the military dictatorship and the success of the revolution. From there, we will move toward a political landscape that fully guarantees democracy, human rights, or self-determination during the transition period. Only after that will we move to reconstruction. We are not thinking too far ahead yet.

During this period, the defense forces will be under the collective civilian leadership. In unity, we will focus on the success of the revolution. There will be collective leadership at every level. There will be discussions and consultations (within the council). There will be adjustments according to the will of the people or the will of the people on the ground. If we form a group these days, we will most likely hear speculation about whether the People’s Administrative Body or CDF -Mindat will disappear.

Frankly speaking, this time of revolution itself is an uncertain time. We don’t know what will happen next month. We don’t know what the political landscape will look like in next three or six months. People have many worries, suspicions and fears. In this time of revolution, people have a lot of stress. We had to form groups depending on the needs. We also listen to the voices of the people on the ground. Depending on the situation, we will continue to make necessary changes. So we are the council that will lay the political roadmap and guides all aspects, including defense and administration.

Interviewer – Thank you for answering the questions in such detail.

Sent by KMG.


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