India For Myanmar calls on Indian government to immediately stop the collection of biometric data from Myanmar refugees

Some Myanmar IDP camps in Mizoram State.

The India For Myanmar group has strongly denounced the Indian government’s collection of biometric data from Myanmar refugees who have taken refuge in India and demanded an immediate stop.

Under the directive of the Home Affairs Ministry of the Indian government, the relevant state governments have started working on the collection of biometric capture of Myanmar refugees taking refuge in Manipur and Mizoram states from 29 July till the end of September 2023.

Regarding the collection of biometric data, Salai Dokhar, a leader of India for Myanmar said: “I am worried that this biometric data will be used in other illegal ways. I am worried that India may arrest and repatriate those who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), police, soldiers, refugees and those who take refuge in India for political situations.

In addition, there have been allegations that the conflict in Manipur state, including the drug case, was caused by Myanmar nationals. So, there is concern that allegations will be made after biometrics are used in such crimes. We have to object to it due to these concerns.”

Biometric data collection involves using technology to record distinct physical or behavioral traits of individuals for identification purposes. This includes fingerprints, facial images, iris scans, DNA profiles, audio track, among others.

The forced collection of their biometric data disregards their individual consent and compromises their rights to privacy, posing an abusive intrusion into their private lives, according to the India for Myanmar’s statement.

India For Myanmar also said that if any information is collected, it must be a process of informed consent and voluntary information provided by the refugees.

India For Myanmar strongly opposes the forced collection of biometric data, ignoring the will of each individual for security reasons and the compassion for the people of Myanmar who are suffering from various mental and physical problems due to economic and social inconveniences, the India for Myanmar says.

The collection of biometric data of refugees is the monitoring of people’s movements using intelligence technology. There is growing concern about the abuse of power among the Myanmar refugees as they will have to provide information to the Indian government which has close diplomatic relations with the Myanmar military.

“I am worried that the Indian government will cooperate with the military council using this data. Another thing is that the military council is collecting biometric data, citing the election. By looking at this point, the Indian government is also collecting data about Myanmar citizens in cooperation with the military council,” Salai Dokhar continues.

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