“If the military council does not stop its offensive, fighting may intensify across Kachin state.” Rev. Lahpai Shing Rip

Rev. Lahpai Shing Rip

An interview with Rev. Lahpai Shing Rip, pastor of Laiza Kachin Baptist Church.

There has been almost a month of military tension between the junta troop and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) as the military council troops tried to establish a base in Namhsanyan village, which is only 8 miles away from the KIA’s headquarters in Laiza. The KIA’s ambush attacks on the military council column has resulted in many casualties. So, the military council forces are regularly firing heavy weapons towards Laiza.

Regarding the military situation between the two armies, the Kachin Baptist Church in Laiza has announced that the local people should be careful and collect food and medicine.
Kachin News Group (KNG) interviewed Rev. Lahpai Shing Rip, pastor of Kachin Baptist Church about the situation in Laiza and the military situation in its surrounding area and preparations of the IDPs.

Q: First, tell me about the situation near Laiza.

A: Fighting is going on in the vicinity of KIA’s headquarters, Laiza. The junta fires heavy shells in the fighting. We issued a letter warning the public to be careful as heavy shells land in the vicinity of the public.

Q: It is known that some of the areas where fighting is taking place are some areas of the Laiza Baptist Church. How are the conditions?

A: Tonehone, Lwalmaukyan and Lajaryan villages are under the Laiza Baptist Church. The other day, there was an explosion near Lwalmaukyan village. As a result of the explosion, about 10 people from Lwalmaukyan village were arrested and beaten by the military council. The people from Lwalmaukyan and Tonehone villages are taking refuge in Aungthar church in Bhamo as they dare not to stay in the villages. Middle-aged people are standing guards in the villages by doing their farms and herding cattle.

Caption-The warning letter issued by Laiza Kachin Baptist Church.

Q: In which villages are the fighting places? What is the latest situation?

A: Now fighting is fierce in Lajaryan, Madiyan and Khaya villages. Some people who are doing farming from Madiyan and Aungjar villages cannot go outside. Because the military council has cut roads, and fighting is taking place almost every day. The military council is unable to conduct an offensive.

Q: How many people are doing their farms in Lajaryan, Madiyan and Aungjar villages where fighting is taking place? What about their situation?

A: There are a lot of farmers in Madiyan on the border of Narlone and Namhsanyan. I heard that the people there had left Namhsanyan. The people are still living inside Lajaryan. In some villages, nothing happens. There are villages where there is no fighting.

Q: How are the residents of Laiza concerned and aware?

A: They are living, with caution. They are not very worried or fearful when heavy shells land. Heavy shelling becomes normal. Even worse things could be overcome.

Q: How intense can the fighting become?

A: How severe fighting will be is in the hands of the military council. War can happen in any situation. It can happen in different places. This is said to be the spread of war. Our statement also includes this fact. If the military council does not stop its offensive, fighting may intensify across Kachin state. The people cannot know how severe it can be. It is only in the hands of the military council.

Q: To what extent should the people prepare?

A: There is nothing special to prepare. The people need to buy and collect medicine and rations and keep important documents. There is nothing else to prepare. The people should not be negligent.

Q: What is the food situation in the border region? Where is food imported?

A: This happens unexpectedly. We have to import foods around here and there. In the past seven years, all roads were closed. We have to import foods in our own way.

Q: Finally, please add fighting happening around the KIA headquarters.

A: The current situation depends on the battle situation of the military council. It depends on the fact that will the junta fight to the end with all your strength? and will the junta fight as much as it has? We will fight back everywhere if the military council advances. How intense will it be and to what extent it will happen depends on the military council. I can’t tell you this in advance. There is a situation where anything can happen.

Sent by KNG.


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