“The number of clashes has increased as the military council increases offensives in the KIA-controlled area. We have not started fighting to capture camps yet. We are on the defensive as they advance.” Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of KIO/KIA

Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of KIO/KIA.

There were frequent clashes between the military council force and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Kutkai Township in Muse District in northern Shan state. The skirmishes between the two forces occur as the military council has a desire to control the area, Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of Kachin Independence Organization/Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA) said.

The Shan News interviewed Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of KIO/KIA about the military council’s operations in Shan state and the KIA’s view on the military council’s offensive operations.

Q: Currently, there are frequent clashes between the military council and the KIA in Kutkai Township in northern Shan state. Is that true?

A: Yes. There are frequent reports of battles. Fighting took place twice near Khomone village in Kutkai Township yesterday.

Q: Why are there many clashes between the military council and the KIA?

A: Here, it has two parts. The first one is fighting taking place in Namhsanyan village which is located about 10 miles from Laiza. That village is located on Myitkyina-Bhamo road. It used to be a region controlled by the military council. After the coup, the military council troops withdrew from all the camps near that area. By looking at this, the military council conducts an offensive and wants to control Namhsanyan and regain control of Myitkyina-Bhamo road. Fighting takes place as we conduct defenses. There are battles almost every day. The military council fires heavy shells. There is also a reinforcement column coming from Bhamo. The situation is still tense.

There are clashes between the military council and our force along northern Shan state. In addition, I have got the news that the military council has a plan to conduct offensives in Kachin and Chin states as well as in Shan state. The military council also wants to control Kutkai-Lashio Union Road in northern Shan state. There may be other reasons. This is my review. I don’t know exactly what the enemy’s strategies are. But the obvious point is the military council conducts an offensive as it wants to regain control of Bhamo road.

Q: There are reports that intense fighting between the military council and the KIO/KIA starts as the KIO/KIA help resistance forces during the armed Spring Revolution. May I know your view on it?

A: This is the military council’s one-sided accusation. The emergence of Spring Revolution has nothing to do with the KIO/KIA. The National Unity Government (NUG) and People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) emerge following the military coup. The PDFs are composed of young, intelligent people. Youths who are proficient in technology can produce weapons. Our KIO/KIA gave military training to the PDFs only in the beginning. We no longer give military training. They are able to move forward on their own.

Q: Now, more than two years have passed since the military coup. May I know your view on the revolutionary movement in the past two years?

A: The revolutionaries are also active. It is found that they are able to do their work according to their strategy. Now I heard that more and more new comrades are joining. I don’t know the details.

Q: Regarding the fighting between the military council and the KIO/KIA in northern Shan state, what is the situation of the allied ethnic armed organizations of the KIO/KIA?

A: All the groups are fighting against the military council. The stance and situation of each group are different. The number of clashes has increased as the military council increases offensives in the KIA-controlled area. We have not started fighting to capture camps yet. We are on the defensive as they advance.”

Q: How important do you think it is for the KIO/KIA forces to coordinate between the allied forces that are active in northern Shan State?

A: It is more important because we are of the same ethnic group. Since we have worked together to end the military dictatorship, it is only the armed forces that are doing the revolution, so the connection between the allies is important.

Q: Now, some groups are holding peace talks with the military council while some groups are engaging in the revolution against the military council. May I know your view on that group?

A: In my view, there will be no complete political dialogue at this time. Therefore, holding discussion is for the position of their own organization. After looking at the requirements, it will just be a discussion. They hold talks with the military council by looking at the stance and needs of organizations. There is no room for political discussion.

Q: As an armed force operating in Shan State, how do you want Shan State to be in the future?

A: This is a political affair. As for me, I can’t do political analysis. Whether it is Shan state or Kachin state, we will try our best to live peacefully and comfortably. It will be an important point for all ethnic groups to get the political rights they deserve.

Q: Is there anything else you want to add?

A: No more.

Sent by Shan News.


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